Hiding Truths

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"Dalton!" Brendan says this early Monday morning. "...quit eating all the cereal!"

"Sorry B," His older brother says as he walks to this sink with his nice Walgreens uniform on. "...I have an eight hour shift today...gotta be prepared,"

"Well I have conditioning class in 15 minutes and I haven't eaten anything,"

"I can make you some eggs Brendan," Whitney says as she comes in from the living room. "...just sit tight,"

Taylor comes down the stairs in an especially good mood. It's been a whole week since the UNC fiasco, and last night she told her family some pretty big news...she won't be playing for North Carolina next fall.

Ashlyn and Whitney are so proud of her for making such a tough decision. They know that it was definitely the right one, because they haven't seen Taylor in such a good mood in months.

"There's my fellow Terp," Brendan smiles to his sister. "...how'd ya sleep?"

"The best sleep in months," She smiles.

Whit smiles at how happy her daughter is.

"Eggs, Taylor?" She asks.

"Yes please,"

"Good morning," Ashlyn says as she comes down the stairs. "..hey, who's drinking all the coffee?"

"Me again," Dalton then chuckles as gets on his coat. "...sorry Mama,"

"Totally fine," She says.

"Well my shift's at 8:30...see you guys at 4,"

"Bye sweetheart," Whitney says.

As her wife is making some coffee, Whitney brings Ash her mug.

"We have adults now remember," She chuckles. "...adults drink coffee,"

"Right," Ashlyn says. "...I'll have to get used to that,"


"A whole inch a half," Jonah exclaims. "...what the hell do you eat to get that tall?"

"Mom gave me some good genes I guess," He chuckles.

Bryce has really changed over these past couples of months...His voice is deeper and his legs are longer...

"Six feet," Jonah says unbelieved. "...you're not even sixteen yet!"

"I gotta go tell Mom and Mama," He says. "...they're gonna flip,"


Bryce blazes down the stairs and into the kitchen, only to find his parents together in his mama's office.

"Six feet," He says excitedly. "...Now I'm totally making varsity,"

Whitney and Ashlyn smile, trying to show their pride. But really, they just got off of the phone with Principal Donnelly, and they are not happy with Bryce.

"That's great Bryce," Whitney says.

The boy sees his mother's smile fade a bit, signaling that something isn't right.

"What's wrong," He asks.

"What's wrong?" Ashlyn scoffs. "...Bryce, you're failing two classes...and pretty close to failing the others too!"

Bryce puts his hands in his pockets.

"I have been so proud of you," Whitney thinks as she sits down. "...you're first year of high school is nothing but normal, but you seemed to be making the best of it...You work out every single day, sometimes after school or in the middle of the day...and all along I've been so proud that you were managing your time between school and that...and you were doing so well...But now I know you weren't even doing the school work,"

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