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"Notre Dame!" Brendan says the next day at lunch. "...that's freakin huge,"

"I guess," Jordyn chuckles.

"Well what did they say?" Noah asks eagerly. 

"They saw my basketball highlights from last season," Jordyn begins. "...they told me that even though I was focusing more on lacrosse, I could have a serious future in basketball,"

"That's awesome," Jonah smiles.

"And how was your date Mr. Manly Man," Jordy chuckles.

"Totally awesome," He grins. "...we watched Iron Man,"

"And did sparks fly??" 

"They totally did," Jonah nods. 

Taylor comes down into the kitchen in a bad mood. She's been in a bad mood all day. 

Within a few hours, 4 college coaches have called the house, Notre Dame, Columbia, UNC, and the University of Michigan. All asking for Jordyn...

Taylor doesn't like to admit it, but she's so jealous. Jordyn hasn't even thought about playing basketball seriously and now she gets 4 D1 schools drooling over her! 

But she needs to shake it off, Brooke and her family are coming over a barbeque tonight. (Don't worry, they've all been self-isolating!) 

About a half an hour before their guests are set to arrive, Ashlyn and Whitney go out and get the food on the grill. They find Taylor drilling shots into the net. 

"Strong shot you got there," Ash chuckles as she watches her daughter.

"Worked up from being inside all day I guess," Tay says.

"Something wrong, Taylor?" Whitney then asks as she closes the lid of the grill. "'ve seemed off all day," 

"It's just," Tay sighs as she picks up the ball and walks over to her parents. "...I've been working my whole freaking life to play college soccer...Five schools have reached out to me in the past year. Jordyn gets 4 overnight! For a sport she's not even sure she wants to play!"

"We get why you're frustrated Taylor," Whitney says. "...Jordyn doesn't even know what to think,"

"It's just so fucking annoying," Taylor says angrily. "...everything Jordyn has ever done she's been good at...She one-ups us in everything! School, board games, work, and now this! How is everything just handed to her!" 

"It's not just handed to her Taylor, she works hard," Ash says.

"Okay, fine I'll give her that," Tay sighs. "...but she didn't even know if she wanted to play next season! Now all of a sudden a free ride to any college she chooses and she's all in love with basketball! She doesn't deserve this opportunity," 

"Taylor," Whitney then says sternly. " you're getting out of hand," 

Taylor shakes her head and looks down to the ground. 

" just seems like everything is so easy for her. And here I am having to fight for everything I, my girlfriend..."

"Taylor, that's how recruiting goes," Ashlyn says. She should know... " college reaches out and then they all feel that they have to reach out. It's about the competition. Jordyn, just like you, has a strong academic and athletic career. All they've done is shown interest. You shouldn't worry, you already have one foot into UNC,"

Taylor is thinking deeply right now.

"Is Anson only showing interest in me because I'm your daughter,"

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