Working Things Out

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"Good morning beautiful." Ashlyn says kissing her wife as she flutters her eyes open.
"Don't think this will make up for everything. We still need to talk." Whitney says.
"There's nothing big to explain, I have an answer for all of your questions." Ash grins.
"Oh do you, then why didn't you tell me that in the first place." Whitney says rolling over and getting out of bed.
Whitney walks over to the bathroom and washes her hands in the sink. Ashlyn goes over, without a shirt, bra and all, and wraps her arms around Whitney's waist.
"Ashlyn." Whit sighs.
"What? I can't show my affection anymore?"
"No its fine. But do you even remember what happened last night?"
"Of course I do. And I have answers to all of your concerns."
"Fine spill." Whitney says walking out of the bedroom.
Ashlyn follows and says: "listen I was stuck in traffic last night.."
Whitney sighs.
"There was an accident on the highway, it's all over the news." Ashlyn says.
"I guess that's okay."
"What did you think I would do Whitney? We've been married for 17 years! We've known each other for 24!"

"Yea well over 17 years people can get tired of the same routine." Whitney says.

"What are you saying?" Ash says starting to get upset.

"I'm not saying anything Ash, I love you, I'm just stating options."

"Options? Is that what you'd think I'd do? Check my options?! Whitney, you're my only option. You're my wife, I love you. Come on don't you trust me?" Ash says looking hurt.

Whitney stares at her wife. She quickly grabs Ashlyn's face and kisses her with more passion than every before. Ash sinks into the kiss, quickly relaxing and wrapping her arms around Whit. Whit let's go of the kiss, but Ash kisses her once more.

"I missed that." Ash grins.

Whitney smiles back and says: "I'm sorry for not trusting you. It's just, you're gone so much. And I don't know, I have a lot of time to think, and sometimes it gets to my head."

"I know baby, I understand. Let's try to work something out, so our family can be happier and healthier."

"I'd like that." Whitney smirks.

Ash pulls Whitney in and kisses her passionately once more.

"Let's go see if the kids are up." Whitney says grabbing Ash's hands.

"They're teenagers, they won't be up for a long time." Ash says pulling Whitney over to the bed.

Whitney laughs as Ashlyn lies her down and crawls on top of her, kissing her.

"Ashlyn what if the kids see?" Whitney laughs.

"They're sleeping Whit, I hope." Ash laughs, resting her head into the crook of Whit's neck.

"We should get up anyway, long day ahead of us." Whitney says.

Ashlyn pouts, making Whitney laugh.

"Fine, but it's only because I haven't seen the kids in a week. If it was any other normal day, I'd fuck you to death." Ash chuckles, causing Whit to playfully hit in the arm.
Ashlyn and Whitney, walk into the kitchen hand in hand.

They see all of the kids already there.

"Mama!" Bryce yells running to hug Ash.

"Hey buddy, missed you." Ash says rubbing the boys head.

"How was Orlando?" Taylor asks.

"Not as fun without you guys." Ash says while hugging Taylor.

"Are you home for a while now?" Brenden asks.

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