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Well, the day is here. The day that Whitney has been dreading since the first day of school.


Don't get her wrong, Whitney is so excited for her kids to go off to college and be their true selves; to find themselves, further their passions and be good people. But after 19 or so years of having 6-7 kids in the house, she's dreading the time where it'll be just Bryce and Jonah at home.

"You'll have me for two more years, Mom," Jonah says from the backseat of the car. "...I know I'm your favorite,".

Whitney chuckles. She appreciates Jonah trying to cheer her up.

"You two are the least dramatic ones," She says. "I'm very excited about that,".

"Just you wait and see, Mom," Dalton laughs. "...They're gonna start giving it to ya,".

Ashlyn chuckles along as she starts the car.

"Ready?" She asks.

Whitney takes a breath.



"You have gotten through so much..." Principal Donnelly says into the microphone. "...Who else can say they've achieved their high school diploma throughout a pandemic...You should be so proud, each and every one of you. It takes true character to do what you have all done. You have grown as people, found new passions and furthered previous ones. You have made new friends and have created memories with them. And now you go onto college, where you will keep doing this. College is where you grow into adults, where you truly find yourselves. The young kindergartener that you once were is very proud of you. Many of you are going into college to achieve your dreams. Whether that's playing a sport you love, studying a topic you're interested in, or fighting for something you care deeply about. So for the thousandth time tonight, congrats to the class of 2021. You guys have really earned this. Thank you,"

The crowd claps and cheers as Principal Donnelly steps away from the mic. Whitney and Ashlyn have some tears in their eyes; everyone does.

"And know we will begin with the diplomas,"

The first row stands and walks towards the stage. It'll be awhile before Harris is called, but once the first one comes, all the rest will.

Meanwhile, the Harris' hear a familiar name.

"Brooke Elizabeth Ehlert, Cornell University...Fashion Design,"

The Harris' hoot and holler all around. They all love Brooke.

But here comes their core four.

Whitney grabs onto Ashlyn. She feels Dalton rub her shoulder.

Here we go.

"Brendan John Harris, University of Maryland football...marine biology,"

Tears. Just tears.

Happy, of course.

"Jordyn Elizabeth Harris, Columbia University

They are all so proud.

"Noah Matthew Harris, Pennsylvania State University...undecided,"

Noah was a little embarrassed that everyone would know he's undecided, but Ashlyn has reassured him that there's nothing to be ashamed about. She was undecided going into college too.

"Taylor Rose Harris, University of Maryland soccer...kinesiology,"

Whitney and Ashlyn are both standing now, as they watch their four babies receive their diplomas.

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