Passing the Time

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You know that feeling at the end of the summer where you're bored out of your mind? When you almost wish you were back in school? Well, that's the feeling a few of the Harris kids are having right now.

Now that Barb and Jack flew back to California, they're just back to being bored.

"There's nothing to do," Bryce whines as he comes into his parents room and flops onto their bed.

"Bryce, it's only 9:30," Whit points out.

"Yea, but all of my friends are on vacation. I just wanna play basketball with someone,"

"Hmmm let's see..." Ashlyn hums sarcastically. " do have 4 brothers who are perfectly able to play,"

"Nah," Bryce answers. "...Brendan's at practice, Dalton's at JD's, and Noah's at the pool,"

"What about Jonah?" Whit asks.

Bryce scoffs. "Jonah?"

His older brother is not very good at basketball.

"Bryce have some faith in him. He's a tall guy, can play some good defense," Ash replies.

"Fine," He sighs. "...I'll go ask him,"


Bryce isn't fond of this idea, but Jonah agreed to play basketball with him.

See, before last basketball season ended for Bryce, he and Jonah were the same height. So it was very easy for Bryce to get around him 1v1.

But NOW! Now Jonah is towering over his younger brother.

"Alright, I start with the ball," Bryce says. He's much better at dribbling than the other boy.


Bryce takes a deep breath as he bounces the ball on the pavement. He begins dribbling and fakes to his left. He switches to his right and runs down the lane for a layup. Jonah trails behind him

Right when Bryce goes up for the layup, he feels the ball being slapped out of his hands. The jolt makes him fall to the ground and the ball goes rolling into the garage.

"Whoah," A voice says. "...he got you,"

Bryce looks up and sees Brendan walking up the driveway with his football gear.

"Lucky block," He says.

"More like unlucky shot," B chuckles. "...nice job Jo," He then says to Jonah as he high fives him.

"Whatever," Bryce says annoyed. "...are we playing or celebrating,"


"So I was wondering," Brendan says as he and Claire sit on a hammock in her backyard. " you wanna maybe go out tomorrow? Christian's having a few people over before school starts,"

"Um," Claire says as she chews her bubble gum. She doesn't even look up at Brendan from her phone. "Why don't we go to Chelsea's instead,"

"Chelsea's?" B asks.

"Yea, her pool was just renovated from limestone to marble,"

"A marble swimming pool?"

"Yea, you've never been in one before?"

"I've never even seen one before,"

"Well that's why we should go. Plus it would boost our status a little bit,"

"Huh?" Brendan says as he sits up.

"Well let's face it, Brendan. Your friends aren't,"

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