His Name Is...

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"Mama," A voice whispers. "...Mama," it says again.

Ashlyn opens her eyes to darkness. 


"It's Jordyn," she says. "...I have to be at the soup kitchen by 7:30," 

Ashlyn groans and eventually gets up.


"So what time will you be home?" Ashlyn asks as she sips her coffee in the driver's seat as she and Jordyn wait for the soup kitchen to open.

"Probably around four," Jordyn answers as she unbuckles her seatbelt. "...I'll be here all day to fill my hours for the school government re-election,"  

"The shouldn't require you to do that. That's why kids hate summer reading,"

Jordyn chuckles as she opens the passenger door. "I loved summer reading," 

"Of course you did..." Ash softly smiles. "...have a good day. Text me if you need anything," 


The day so far in the soup kitchen is hot and stuffy. Jordyn and her other school government friends were all here since 8 o'clock in the morning. She's tired, she's hungry and she desperately needs a shower.

"Oh wait, I forgot my bag," Jordyn says to her friend Sabrina as they begin walking out.

Jordyn runs back in and can't seem to find her bag anywhere.

"Look for something?" A voice says.

She looks up and sees the most beautiful thing she's ever seen. It's a boy.

Jordyn has been glancing over to this guy's direction ever since the early morning. She thinks he's so handsome. With his dark brown eyes and short brown hair, and a stature of about 5'11", Jordy thinks he's perfect.

"Huh?" Jordyn says. She's lost in his eyes. The boy chuckles and flashes an adorable smile.

"I'm sorry, it looks like you lost something,"

"Oh yea...yea my bag. I lost my bag,"

"Is it a blue under armor one?" He asks.

"Yea..." Jordyn chuckles awkwardly. "...yea that's it,"

The tall boy goes back into the office and comes back out with it.

"The name's Jack by the way," He smiles as he hands her the bag.

"Oh um, hi. I'm Jordyn," 

"Jordyn...that's a pretty name," He answers.

"Oh wow thanks...my parents did well I guess," She chuckles.

"They did," Jack says as he leans up against the door frame of the office. 

"So um, where do you go to school?" She asks.

"Oh, I'm a senior at Lansing," 

Jordyn grins. "Really...I'm a junior at Lansing. I've never seen you before,"

He chuckles. "...yea I like to lay kinda low. Just trying to do what I've gotta do,"

This guy is odd. Jordyn is interested. "...you're not on any teams?"

"Not really...was on Freshman basketball one year. We don't have a hockey team or anything so no,"   

"You play hockey?" 

"Yea...I grew up in Michigan. It's just a sport that I love so I don't really play on any team. I volunteer most of the time anyway,"

"Really...that's awesome," she smiles. 

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