Family Time

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"If they don't win it's a shame! For it's one, two, three strikes you're out of the old ball game!" The crowd chants at Oriole Park this Sunday afternoon.

Whitney smiles as she sees Ashlyn and their crazy kids dancing in their seats. Her mom is taking a picture.

"You're damn lucky," She whispers in her daughter's ear as she sits down. Whitney smiles even more.

It's the top of the fifth inning now, and the Baltimore Orioles are leading the Tampa Bay Rays six runs to three.

Ashlyn is sitting all the way on the other end of their row, so Whitney is left to talk with her mom and dad, which she doesn't mind at all. She's sitting in between her parents, with her mom closest to the aisle and her dad sitting next to Noah.

"So, are you excited for school to start?" Barb asks her daughter.

Whitney sighs a bit. "...I guess,"

"What's wrong," Barb laughs.

Whit smiles. "...I love having them around," She explains. "...and it also means Ashlyn will have to go back to work too. She'll be so busy this season,"

"But I thought they're allowing for her to work from home. Doesn't she only have to go to the office when it's preseason and home games?"

"Yea," Whit answers. "...I guess I just don't want to let her go,"

Barb chuckles.

"Who ever does," The older woman points out. "...we're gonna miss you so much when we leave,"

Whitney thinks for a moment.

"Have you and Dad ever thought about moving here Mom?"

Barb looks up.

"Oh...well not really," She says.

"No pressure," Whit quickly clears up. "...was just wondering,"

"I don't want to leave your brother," She answers.

Matt Engen is buried in Torrance.

Whitney nods. She totally understands. She herself has lost a son, but not in the extremely heartbreaking and sudden way their family lost Matt.

The game ends with the Orioles winning 8 to 3.

"And you thought Tampa Bay would win," Brendan taunts Noah as they walk out to the car. " have no faith in our O's,"

"Your O's are last in the East division," Noah laughs.

"Who's your team No?" Dalton then asks.

"Uh, I don't know," Noah says. "...Yankees I guess,"

"Whoa..." Brendan almost yells. "'re such a fake fan,"

"What do you mean?" Noah chuckles.

"The Boston kid just said his favorite baseball team is the Yankees..." He laughs. "Stick to football my friend,"

Noah and Dalton laugh as well. "...says the Maryland kid who's a Pats fan," Dalton says.

Brendan shakes his head.

"From what I've heard," Dalton then adds. " root for where you came from," He says with pride. The Oakland Raiders are his team.

"No fair," Brendan whines. "...the New York teams suck,"

The other two boys chuckle.

"Whatever...I'm still gonna whip y'all in fantasy this year,"

Noah scoffs.

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