God's Plan

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"Mrs. and Mrs.Harris, we need a word.." The police man says.

"Please come in officers." Ash says opening the door wider.

The police squad, along with Andrea, come inside the house.

"We have a problem.." Andrea says.

"What is it?" Whit asks.

"Well it seems that Noah has ran away.." Andrea continues.

"You didn't get our message Andrea?" Ashlyn says.

"What message?" She says confused.

"Noah ran away to here this afternoon..He's upstairs. We were going to drive him back up tomorrow." Ash replies.

"Oh..why that's great..we didn't need all the police then..sorry gentleman.." She says kinda embarrassed. 

The police cars leave and Andrea continues talking to Whitney and Ash.

"I'm so sorry for the scare! It's just Noah is known to run off at times." 

"No problem at all..We should've tried harder to get in touch with you. He's fitted in so well, he didn't seem like a huge problem." Whitney explains. 

"Really? Well, I'm glad he's fitting in so well..But I will need to talk to him once again about the dangers about running away." 

"Of course..I'll go get him." Ashlyn says getting up and walking over to the stairs.


"Hey Noah, can you come down to the living room for a sec?" Ash says walking into Brendan's room.

"Why.." Noah says getting nervous.

"Just want to talk." Ash grins while she puts her hand on Noah's back, guiding him to the stairs. 


"Hello Noah." Andrea says from the couch.

Noah turns around and looks as if he's going to run, but Ash stops him.  

"She won't take you away from us. We would never let that happen." Ash whispers in his ear.

"Hey Noah.." Whitney says coming over to the bottom of the stairs. "...Andrea came by to just talk to you.." 

"Why.." The blonde boy says being careful.

"I wanted to have yet another conversation with you about running away from your problems." Andrea says still on the couch. 

Noah's eyes dart to Andrea, and fill with anger. Ash guides him down the bottom of the stairwell where Whitney rubs his back and walks with him to the couch.

"So..Noah, do you like it here with Whitney and Ashlyn?" Andrea asks while looking down at her paper work. 

"Yea, it's absolutely amazing." Noah says grinning.

"Good..do you think you would like living here?" 

"Yea, there's so many people you would never get bored." 

Andrea glances at Whitney who glances at Ashlyn.

"Well then congratulations Noah." Andrea grins.

"Congratulations for what?" Noah says confused. 

"For finding your forever family, Mr. Noah Harris." 

Noah starts to cry and Whitney takes him into her arms. 

"We love you buddy." Ash says joining the hug. 

"You mean I'm really being adopted??" 

"Yea, we're going to the court house this Saturday and you will officially be apart of our family." Whitney smiles.

"I can't believe this is happening." Noah says wiping a tear.

The three hug again. 

"What's going on here?" Dalton says coming down the stairs, followed by Brendan, Jordyn and Bryce. 

"Yea, what's everyone so happy about?" Taylor says hobbling into the room from the kitchen, alongside Jonah. 

Ash grins at her other 6 children and then starts, "Well we have some big news...As of now, Noah will be a permanent member of our family." 

"You mean like a brother?" Bryce asks excited.

"Yep, we are adopting him." Whitney answers her son.

"There you go dude!" Dalton says coming over to the three and joining the group hug.

"That's awesome.." Brendan says following. 

Taylor crutches over and sits on the couch, playfully messing up Noah's hair. 

"5 brothers..wow.." Jordyn says chuckling. "..You're pretty cool Noah." 

Noah is gleaming. Never in his life has he felt this good. Things can only get better from here.

The family of 9 continues their giant group hug. 

That night, Whitney decides to write more of her blog:

It's funny how single moments can affect your thinking and decision making. Ashlyn and I got into a bit of a spat about two weeks ago resulting in me taking a trip to California. She and the kids sweetly surprised me and then we decided that we wanted to renew our wedding vows. Along with that, we have a new member joining our family. No, it's not a dog, but yet another child. Noah has blessed our lives in so many ways just in the few weeks that we've known him. We are now in the adoption process and are excited to have him be an official Harris. Meanwhile, Ash and I are trying to figure out how we are going to continue to support and raise 7 KIDS. But, we'll just have to leave that in God's hands.

To be continued...

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