The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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It's bright and early this fine December morning in the Harris household, and for once it what seems like forever, no activities are scheduled, meaning the kids can sleep in.

"At least they get to catch up on their rest. It seems like it's been nonstop around here since before Thanksgiving." Whit says as she hands Ashlyn her morning cup of coffee.

"And why don't we? We've been working twice as hard as them." Ashlyn chuckles back.

"Well, parenting never stops." Whit smiles as she runs her hands through her wife's short brown hair.

"And why not?" Ash flirts.

"Well, we have 7 mouths to feed, keep clean, take care of, educations to pay for...need I go on?"

"Nah I'm good," Ash replies as she scrunches up her nose and takes a sip of her coffee.

Whitney chuckles as she brings her wife close and kisses her head.

"So what's on deck for today?" Ash then asks.

"Well, as soon as the troop wakes up we can make breakfast...and I think then they're all counting on us drawing names for Secret Santa."

"Secret Santa...already?"

"Yea babe. It's already December 15, full steam ahead until Christmas. Speaking off, we need to start shopping. One more kid this year and your family's coming. We're gonna have a full house."

"Why can't we just have some peace and quiet for once..." Ash says sincerely as she looks into her lover's eyes.

"I know...things have been crazy lately. I promise that in the New Year things will start to settle down."

"I just wanna get married." Ash pouts.

"What is with you and that?" Whit chuckles.


"Honey we are married. We've been married for almost 20 years."

"I know, but I still wanna do it."

"Well we can wait until our 20th for that, I don't know how we're gonna find the time."

"Exactly..." Ash answers softly.

"Huh?" Whit asks.

"Exactly...I mean I love where we're at with the kids and everything, but it feels like you and I are drifting apart."

"That's no true Ash."

"Oh really...when's the last time we had sex."

"Ashlyn..." Whitney chuckles.

"I'm serious Whit, when was the last time?"

"I don't know..." Whit sighs.

"Exactly my point. Let's not forget why we love each other in the first place Whit."

"But Ash, we don't need a ceremony for that."

"Well, we need,"

"I promise we'll get some alone time. I'll arrange something." Whit says as she runs her fingers in Ash's hair once again.

"I'm losing you Whit."

"You'll never lose me." Whitney quickly answers as she brings her wife in for a much-needed hug.

"'ll never, ever lose me." She repeats.


It's about 11:30 am now and all of the kids just finished breakfast after stumbling out of bed at around 10.

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