Together Again

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"I can't wait to hug my baby," Whitney says this fine morning.

"I know," Ashlyn thinks. "...I wonder if he got any taller,"

"I hope not..." Whit chuckles. "...he's hard enough to reach already,"

Ash smiles. They'll finally be able to hug their oldest song today.

Dalton finally came home from Michigan State for holiday break, but had to quarantine for two weeks in his room. Today is the fifteenth day, and they're all excited to be together again.

It's around 9:50 now, and Dalton isn't able to come out of his room until he gets a call from the school. Once he gets the all clear, he'll be racing down to the kitchen.

Ashlyn and Whitney are patiently waiting for him, in addition to his six siblings.

9:57- the magical number....

Whitney perks up as she hears a bedroom door squeak open and socks running along the upstairs carpeting. Thumping begins to get louder and louder as their 6 foot son comes bounding down the stairs. And then...there he emerges...Dalton.

No words are said at first, just cheering. Dalton runs straight to his parents as the other kids engulf them in a group hug. Here they are...all nine of them. Just like it's supposed to be.

Whitney and Ashlyn never imagined that they're lives would be like this at this time in life. They never imagined that their own son would have to isolate himself before seeing them. They never thought that they wouldn't be able to meet his roommate and even visit him. They never thought any of that...They just hope he's happy about how everything's going.

"How's Jeremy?" Whitney says as her sons pours himself a steaming cup of black coffee (that's new).

"He's actually really cool," Dalton chuckles. "...he's different ya know. I've never met anyone from Indiana before. We got really close since we're around each other a lot,"

"I can imagine," Ashlyn smiles. "...two big guys in that small little dorm,"

"He's a snorer," Dalton laughs. "...that's the only downside..."

As Dalton sips his coffee, he looks to his brother Brendan.

"A Spartan could beat a terp any day," He simply says.

Brendan gets a big wide smile. This is the first time he's seen his brother since he committed.

"Just you wait," B says. "...last time I checked, Michigan is a basketball school, not a football school,"

"And last time I checked, Maryland is a football school, not a basketball school,"

"I guess we'll agree to disagree," Dalton laughs.

"I personally think a Tarheel can kick anyone's ass," Taylor adds as she comes into the kitchen.

"I agree with that," Ashlyn laughs.

"I second," Whitney pipes in.

Dalton and Brendan both roll their eyes.

"Well as much as I'd like to stay and hang," Taylor says to her older brother. "'s Brooke birthday today. So I'll be gone for a few hours,"

"The big 1-8?"

Tay nods.

"I totally get it...Tell her happy birthday,"

"I will," Taylor softly smiles.


"Happy birthday baby," Taylor smiles as Brooke opens the front door.

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