El Draft de Hijos

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"Who's ready for Costco Wholesale?!" Brendan yells excitedly as he comes jumping into the kitchen. He's wearing his retired Rob Gronkowski jersey.

The boys will definitely be busy today. It's 10 am now and they're ready to start their
"Draft de Hijos" as they call it. They already had their draft for their league with Grandpa Jack, Uncle Chris, Uncle Josh and Whitney's cousin Zach. They'll then have drafts with their various friend groups later tonight.

The league between just the three of them is the most competitive though.

Dalton scoffs while wearing his Derek Carr jersey. "No way man...the Raider Wannabes are gonna dominate,"

"I think I get the award for best team name though," Noah points out. Both boys agree.

"Yea, your's is pretty lit," Dalton says.

It is pretty lit.

Better Mahomes and Gardens definitely expresses Noah's comical side. 

"So are we ready?" Noah then says.

"Let's kick it,"


Jordyn huffs as she walks back in the kitchen with some dirty plates. She's working a 6-hour shift today, and the restaurant has been so busy.

She walks back out into the main dining room so she could get to her next table.

Jordyn smiles as she slowly walks up to the table occupied by one. 

It's Jack.

"What are you doing at a pub at 1 in the afternoon all by yourself," She chuckles.

Jack smiles back at her. 

"Just needed to get out," He jokes. "...figured I could grab some grub and watch a little college football here," 

Jordy nods. "Okay then...what can I get ya," 

Jack looks at the menu. "I'll just take some fries and a water," 

Jordyn scoffs. "Yea...you're real hungry,"

Jack chuckles. "...I'm a light eater," 

Jordyn shakes her head. No way is Jack a light eater. He's built like her brothers...he must eat a truckload of food each day. 

"Comin' right up," 

As Jordyn turns to put the order into the kitchen, she can feel Jack's eyes on her. 

Now, most people would be totally freaked that some guy that's older than them keeps showing up in the strangest places. But Jordy thinks it's adorable how Jack follows her like a puppy dog...but the main thing she's worried about is that it won't go any farther than that. 

Jordyn gave the boy his water a few minutes ago and is now coming out with his fries. 

"Here ya go," She says as she sets the steaming plate out in front of him.

"Thanks," He says. 

"Anything else I can get ya?" 

"Is sitting down and having a conversation too much to ask?" He flirts. 

Jordyn grins at him. She's about to answer when Lexi's dad comes up behind her.

"Hey Jordyn, you can take your 5-minute break now. Things are slowing down," He says sweetly.

"Oh okay. Thanks, Mr.Scutter,"

Jordyn turns to Jack again and he's beaming wide.

"Perfect timing," He says.

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