Branching Out

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Taylor can't sleep...she just can't sleep. It's 3 am now and Brooke most likely feel asleep as they were texting because she never answered...

Tay is tossing and turning thinking about this whole college recruiting thing. She googled Georgetown soccer before going to bed, and believe it or not they have an excellent program.

She has to send an email with her top three schools to her coach by tomorrow afternoon, and she's a total wreck about it. 

She's known as the Baby's what everyone calls her. She's had the nickname since she was a little girl.

Georgetown is where Brooke wants to go. But what is she doesn't get in? Would Taylor waste this important choice by listening to her heart over her mind? Is this really the right choice?

What if she goes to Georgetown with Brooke and she's never scouted by the national team...but then again, what if she goes to UNC and her relationship with Brooke suffers because of it. 

She loves Brooke, but she also loves soccer. She just doesn't know what to do.

The most nerve-racking thing for her is telling her parents. She has to do it before she sends the email. 


"Georgetown? Why all of the sudden interest in Georgetown?" Whitney asks as she chops up some vegetables for an afternoon snack.

"Well, it's close to home. Truly North Carolina's far away," Her daughter answers. 

"Mhmm.." Whitney hums as she slices a cucumber. "...does this have anything to do with Brooke?"

Taylor sighs. "Why does everything have to be about Brooke Mom,"

"It doesn't," Whitney answers. "'s just that sometimes love can blind a person from what they truly want,"

"Yea and why does UNC have to be my only option,"

"Well Taylor you've been talking about going to UNC since you were 9 years old," Whit quickly rebuts. She can hear the sass rising in her daughter's voice.

"Yea only because you and Mama went there. I've never even seen the campus,"

Whitney looks up unbelieved at her daughter.

"Where's this sudden attitude coming from,"

"It's not a sudden attitude. UNC is an option but what if I don't get in,"

"Yea and like Georgetown would be any easier,"

"Well it wouldn't but it's still a great soccer program. They're in the NCAA,"

"Yes but is the program well known? Well known like UNC? If you want this dream Taylor then you have to think about that,"

"A few of their players have been drafted into the NWSL,"

"A few..." Whit says. "...any of them on the national team?"

"No," Taylor concedes.

"The more eyes on the program the greater the chance of national team scouting,"

"It doesn't matter about the program," Taylor says almost angry now.

"So what does matter," Whitney says calmly. She's working her daughter up for a reason.

"So the player matters,"

Whitney pauses and looks up at her daughter.

"Right, the player matters. Your ability to work with the team and your ability on the ball. Your mental preparation and vision for the game, but also the ability to adapt to any situation the match will throw at you. If you do that, no matter where the hell you go, you'll succeed. You could turn Annapolis Community College into a winning program with that mentality. That'll turn Georgetown into a winning program. So then you'll be the first..."

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