Making Memories *Christmas 2019*

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"I never thought in a million years we'd wake up before the kids," Whitney chuckles as she and Ashlyn sit up in bed. It's around 8:30 am on Christmas Day. 

"They're making up for all of the years they woke us up at 6 am," Ashlyn jokes.

"Merry Christmas baby," Whit then says sincerely to her wife as she rests her hand on Ash's leg.

"Merry Christmas Whit," Ash softly smiles as she leans in and kisses her wife's lips.

"Gross," A voice from the door says. "...get a room you two," 

They look and see Jordyn and Taylor walking into their room.

"Merry Christmas to you too," Ash jokes. 

"Merry Christmas," They both respond as they climb into their parent's bed. 

"Did you guys sleep well?"

"I guess," Jordy chuckles as she looks to her sister.

Ash and Whitney guess that they stayed up late talking. 

"The question should be more like did you sleep...because we did that," Taylor says.

The two women chuckle. They love whenever their girls visit them early in the morning. 

"How about we go wake up your brothers," Whit then says.

"Yea," Taylor jumps up. "...PRESENTS," 


After about 20 minutes of trying, the girls finally dragged their 5 brothers out of bed.

"Those boys do like their sleep," Jack chuckles.

"Brendan, let's goooo," Jordy whines as she tugs at B's blanket.

"Fuck off," Brendan says in a hushed tone.

"No cursing on Christmas stupid," Taylor says as she begins to help her sister.

"Fine," Brendan almost yells. "...I'm up. I'm up!" 


The 7 Harris kids all eventually gain some energy back when they see how many presents are in front of the Christmas tree.

"K you know the rules," Ashlyn says as the adults get comfy on the couch with their coffee mugs. "...oldest first," 

Dalton looks satisfied at the pile of gifts and finds a moderate-sized one with his name on it. He quickly peels back the red and green wrapping paper and opens a white clothing box.

"WHOA," He yells. "...A Michigan State jersey!" 

Dalton stands up and puts the green jersey right on. On the back, it has number 23, Draymond Green's number when he played for the Spartans. 

"Where that one with pride," Grampa Jack chuckles with a gleam in his eye. He's so, so proud of Dalton. He remembers carrying him around on his shoulders. Now, that same kid is going off to college next year. 

"Me next," Jonah says quickly. He hopefully knows what his is. 

"Ah yesss," He says as he throws the blue snowman wrapping paper to the side. "...a rangefinder!" 

"Even I don't have one of those," Grampa Jack jokes. 

Next up is Jordy, and since she never asks for anything for Christmas, Whitney and Ashlyn had to do some guessing. Thankfully, they got something right up her alley.

"A record player!?" She says unbelieved. 

"Please tell me that's going in our room," Taylor says.

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