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"Ashlyn, what are we going to do," Whitney huffs as she runs her hand through her hair.

"We'll figure it out babe," Ashlyn sighs. 

Whit and Ashlyn just had a wonderful weekend at UNC. They were honored by their old coach, Anson Dorrance, and inducted into the UNC Athletic Hall of Fame. 

But right now, everything seems to be going wrong. 

The coronavirus has spreading around the world like wildfire, and even though there haven't been any cases in their home state of Maryland, everyone in the Harris family has been very concerned. 

They all really got concerned when they got a call from Barb and Jack.

"Hello?" Whitney says as she rushes around the kitchen at home.

"Whitney? It's Mom,"

"Oh, hey Mom," Whit answers happily. "...what's up?" 

"Well I have some news," She sighs. "...Dad and I are deciding to self-quarantine,"

"Oh," Whit says a bit shocked. "...whatever you think is best for you guys,"

"Well, we've thought long and hard about it. But all the sports shutdown and even Disneyland shut down...we think it's best," 

"Yea you're totally right," Whitney says as she sits down. "...I'm frankly just waiting for everything around us to get canceled,"

"Well, you have to be so careful Whit. People with asthma are at higher risk...you have to keep Jordy so safe. Maybe tell her to stay home from work?"

"Yea, she already told her boss she needs to take off indefinitely. But I think the business at the restaurant is going that well anyway,"

"And is Ashlyn still going to work?"

"As of right now, yea. We have no cases in Maryland yet,"  

"Well, I'm sure they'll send her home very soon. This virus is very unsettling,"

"You and Dad are very healthy people, Mom. If you do everything you're supposed to then you'll be fine," 

"Well, I hope so Whitney. Talk to you later...Dad has been bugging me to go into the madness that's the grocery store,"

"Stay safe, Mom. Goodbye,"


And now, it's Sunday night and the couple just got a call from Dalton.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Ashlyn says as she picks up the phone.

Whitney can see the concern on her wife's face as she puts the call onto speakerphone.

"Is Mom there too?" Dalton asks.

"Right here," Whit says.

"So we just got a call," Dalton says slowly.

What happens next makes Whitney and Ash jump a bit.

"No school until April!" They hear all of their children yell.

The women look at each other with panic in their eyes.

"What?" Ashlyn scoffs unbelieved.

"The governor made an announcement. All Maryland schools are closed," Jordyn says.

"But everything else is canceled too," Taylor then adds. "...PDA spring tryout are postponed until further notice," 

"And swim practice is canceled too," Noah says.

BENDING THE RULES..A USWNT FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now