The Usual Routine

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Chapter 1 

I have been hit so many times in the last 24-hours I can't keep count. I got off of the mattress that I'm forced to sleep on and got up to shower. When the hot water hit me it hurt so bad, luckily I turned it to cold, which also helped with the burns I had on my back, that I got last night from my step-dad. While my mom just sat there watching, while drinking who knows what.

I quickly got out of the shower knowing my so-called parents will want the breakfast soon. I got dressed in leggings and an oversized hoodie which was so big you couldn't see my fingers, but it was my safe place.

I quickly put my shoes on knowing that they are going to be awake soon.I quickly ran down the stairs and started to make eggs on toast with bacon.

Suddenly my mom came in and sat down and started eating. I quickly went to go upstairs but my mom had other plans.''Come here you little brat'', She said pulling me back by my hoodie. She pulled me to the stove, which was still very hot by the way. She put my hand on the hot metal plate and it took so much not to freaking scream. Truth be told, I'm used to this.

My stepdad came in and asked ''What did the little brat do this time'', my mom replied ''Just taste the food and see''', I had no idea what I had done wrong, the food looked really good and my stomach was rumbling but I wasn't allowed to eat so my appetite slowly decreased. He spat out his food and came to me and yanking my hair out of my hoodies, he pulled my hair so hard I had tears in my eyes.

''NOW GET TO SCHOOL AND DON'T BE LATE'', my mom shouted drunkenly. Before I walked away he grabbed my face and slapped me. It stung so bad, even putting my hand on it still burned. I quickly ran upstairs and put on some concealer and a bit of makeup to cover most of my bruises.

I quickly walked out of the house and started running/walking to school. Since we lived in a dangerous area and it wasn't the best for a 13-year-old to be running around at 7:30, school started at 7:45.

Luckily I made it in time. I started walking to my locker but then, I was pushed into the locker by the one and only Victoria.''Ugh watch where you're going stupid girl'', she said shoving me into the locker and slapping my check that still hurt from this morning. My check was on fire as well as my back.

''Just live me alone'', I said pushing her aside and walking to class. Luckily I made it to class, I had math first. Yay. note the sarcasm.

''Ah and here she is my favorite student'', My maths teacher Mr.Smith.''I know I'm your favorite, but you don't need to brag about me to the whole class'', I sad with a whole lotta sass and a tiny bit of attitude.


So This is my first time writing a story like this, so hope you liked it 




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