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Chapter 8

As soon as we got to the skatepark entrance it was closed and it looked kinda shady. Unfortunately Milo stopped me.''Why the hell are you stopping me'', I said with a tiny bit of attitude.''Watch it and you cant go there it's closed'', He said in a matter of fate ton.

''But I need to say bye to someone'', I said trying not to get angry.''Then let me come with you,im not about to let my little sister go in there, it's so SHADY'', He said.

''NEVER JUDGE A BOOK OR PLACE BY ITS COVER AND FREEDOM'', I said as I broke out of his grip.

As soon as I broke out of his grip, I got out of the car and I was about to start climbing over the fence when Milo caught me,'' Sorry but im not letting you get hurt climbing over a fence'', Milo said holding me back. Ugh why. Luckily I had a key. I ran to the car and got out the spare key I had from my Gucci bag.

I opened the locked gate and just looked at him with a 'You can try but ill still get in look'.'' Don't tell me you have a key'', He said.''Of course, you do''.he said after I unlocked the gate.

''Well don't just stand there, come if you're coming or stay in the car'', I said pointing to words the two options I gave him.''Fine,im coming with you'', He said as he walked in with me. It may look grifted and stuff but it was a really sick place.

After walking through a wall tunnel. So basically there are two walls and a cover thingy but the cover thingy is also made of cement.

We walked through the tunnel and then we reached the skatepark. It was an outside one and it had multicolored walls with different people doing different tricks and dance moves on it.''Ok, this place seems pretty cool''.

''Hey Cia, you're supposed to be in school!!'', Johnny a friend of Jakes said.''Yea while I found out I had a brother, Is jake here?'', I asked walking over to him and hugging him. I'm not a touchy-touch kinda person but if you and I are close, then I will hug you.

''Hey what's up I'm John'', He said doing a cool handshake thing with Milo.''Cool, I'm Milo, her older brother, this is a pretty sick place you got here'', Milo said doing that bro hugged then, boys do.

''Take care of her, she been through a lot and she won't trust you easily but show her you care and give her time, she comes around eventually'', John said as I grabbed his board.''Are you coming or not''I cheekily asked Milo.''And she can be a handful at times, also watch out when she gets angry to explain it to her first, trust me that helps, I, unfortunately, learned the hard way''.John said.''I kinda can see she can be a handful sometimes, but there seems to be a reason why she's like that ', Milo said as Johnny handed him a board. I started riding on top of the curve thingys and then I saw Jake.






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