I'm not tired

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Sorry for the late update, the power went off 😒. just as I was about to upload it and I hadn't uploaded it to Wattpad so I couldn't edit and upload it, afterschool 

but anyways here is the chapter 

Chapter 14

I waited for 10 minutes straight, or at least it was 20 seconds. Then I reached over and tried to grab it.''Please give it back'', I said trying to grab it from him. He shook his head. And then I tried again.

''Bambina, I know you love this drink but, when we land it's going to be late and you're going to be bouncy up and down, and im going to be in so much trouble if you are'', Milo said defiantly putting my drink out of reach.''But Im not tired Milo'', I whinnied before yawing.

Truth be told I am really tired but I won't admit it. But I am so tired like I have been sleep deprived for a well.''Im *yawn* not*yawn tired*yawn '', I said yawning and slowly closing my eyes.''Go to sleep, Baby'', Milo said kissing my head lightly.

Time skip- provide to you buy the DJ BlueDiamond 

I landed up sleeping for about half an hour. The most I slept and I didn't even have any nightmares. Maybe I was safe for once. Or was i.

After sleeping with my eyes open, which for me meant my eyes were closed and I was still awake.

Then thankfully the air hostess, not the mean one, announced,'' ladies and gentlemen please stay in your seats and make you sure you're all buckled up''.(A/N I haven't been on a plane in a few years so I don't know how to do it lol)

I slowly woke up and rubbed my eyes, my hoodie had fallen down slightly and it was showing my blonde hair, so I pulled my hair further.

''You shouldn't hide your face you know'', Milo said as he doubled checked I had my air belt on. Don't know what to call it since we're in the air and OH MY GOSH.


No duh Sherlock 




I'm just going to let Milo deal with you 

''Milo, can I get off the plane now please'', I said, and also like I said I mumble things when im anxious or nervous.''You can't just jump off the Cia, you need a plane firstly and a guide'', Milo said.

I then realized if I jumped out of a plane without a parachute I would most likely die. I started playing with the elastic band on my hand again. I should stop this habit but how can you when I have like 200 different color bands in my bag, among other stuff.

''Ow'', I said by mistake as I flicked the rubber band on my was nearly bleeding or it was just raw. I suppose this is kinda self-harm, but it's the only thing that keeps my anxiety at bay.

Milo noticed what I did and unfortunately, he asked.''What happened?''.I just covered my wrist with my hoodie jacket.''Nothing im fine'', I said putting pressure on the wrong arm. 

I hissed as it stung, for elastic rubber bands they really hurt.' hey hey, what's wrong?'', Milo asked with a concerned look on his face.''Nothing Im fine'', I said giving him one of my award-winning fake smiles. He looked convinced but he noticed me clutching my right arm.


Thanks so much for reading 



And the power is going out again, so I will try to upload more tomorrow

Another chapter coming 

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