Thoughts about landing

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A/N Power going out again and No wifi 😑☹😒

Chapter 15

''Baby girl'', Milo asked with a worried look on his face. I don't like that look, or im just not used to it because mom stopped caring about me and nobody else did.''Yes, Milo?''.

 I asked moving my arm to the side.'' What's wrong with your arm?'', He asked grabbing my hand gently. I tried to pull it back but.''My arm is fine'', I said pulling it back. The pilot announced we are landing.

What if the plane crashed?

We won't crash, were in capable hands 

What if we die

We won't die, I trust the pilots, plus they went to pilot school and the was a co-pilot

I know I feel like dying but I don't want to die now

Stop being dramatic

I'm not being dramatic

You know what, Milo can deal with you

''Bambina are you ok?'', Milo asked.''Y-e -e-a-h I-m F-f-i-i-n-n-e'', I said as my voice betrayed me.

My heart wanted to jump out of the plane like me. I started tabbing nervously as we got into position to go down.''Bambina, please tell me if you're not ok, I want to help you''.

Milo said as we started going down, and I don't know if I was being dramatic but as the plane was going down. My ears were blocked which kinda scared me and I was holding on for dear life.

After about 10 minutes or 10 seconds, we were on the ground. I was so scared, I practically had tears in my eyes. 

Milo told me we should get up and go, but I was way too scared and I wasn't listening.''Licia are you listening?'', Milo asked standing up.'' Wha?'', I asked Milo.

''You need to get up, most of the people are already off'', Milo asked lending me a hand.I was still slightly shaking. He sat back in his seat and looked at me.

''Are you ok and don't lie to me because I can tell when your lying'', Milo said taking my hands into his own.

''No, I don't like heights but I also don't like landing in an airplane'', I said to Milo as I undid my seatbelt. Then I stood up and grabbed my bag and stepped into the aisle.

Milo grabbed his bag and before leaving he looked at me. I looked down avoiding his gaze.''Look, we're on the ground now and your fine nothing's going to happen''.

Milo said lifting my chin up again. I just nodded and followed Milo and as we got out he thanked the Pilots and air hostess.

 I just smiled at them and got a high-five from the Captain. (A/N- Whenever I and my family would go on a plane, we sometimes would wait, tell most of the people are off and then we walk out where the pilots are and say hit to them, and thank them 😊)

After going through that I saw my worse nightmare but before I saw that I grabbed my Carmel drink and walked out with Milo. 

We walked off the plane into a platform and then as we were walking with other people following, I saw the ground and I stopped and moved back before I could fall.

No way am I crossing that.


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