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Chapter 33

''Yes, I do. The last time I saw you were'', I said but couldn't remember when.''2 years ago, when you......Actually missey we have some important things to talk about, I will go get Dr.Karina Blue, since she is the family doctor, she will be coming soon'', She said as she put my heart rate monitor back on.

Ugh, not the beepy thingy again.

''Can you not put that in there'', I asked as she added another wire into me, so now I have the Iv and this one.

''You know she's going to ask you to not put that in there and till you tell her that it has to stay in there'', A familiar voice said.

No way

I have not heard that voice in so long.

''Lily!!'', I squealed. She ran into the room and hugged me and I hugged her back.''Omygosh girl you have grown, your hair is so long and you look so much older and what are you doing in the hospital, why didn't you tell me I had to Flippen find out from Bluey!!'', She screamed.

I covered my ears and tried not to flinch, till she finished screaming.''Oops sorry, I forgot you don't like loud noises'', she said letting go of me.

I pushed her forward and looked down at her.''You are so much bigger, and wow you have grown up, I feel so proud already'', I said wiping a fake tear because I'm the mom of the group and the youngest.''So how are you?'', Lily asked as she held my hand.

''Eh I've been worse'', I said.''Like the time Jake stoke ur ice-cream'', Lily said nudging me.

''Yes, Jake stills owes me a new ice-cream '', I said laughing along with her.

I felt eyes on us so I turned Lily away from me and to my brothers and Ashely.''Ok so like do you want to make up some random story like you usually do, or can I just tell you who they are'', I said as she sat down and I put my arms around her neck.

''Ooooh ok, it's storytime, ok you were kidnapped by them a few weeks ago and they kidnapped you because you're a good dancer and singer and you can make a lot of money and the Mafia noticed you, so they decided they needed you'', Lily rambled.

The way she played it out was so funny and in the end, she decided to lay on me.

''Eh, your not wrong just the storyline and ending, so actually there my brothers and one older sister, and I'm a quadruplet'', I said quickly and quietly.

''See, I'm never really wrong and you're a what now'', Lily said dramatically.

I gave her a 'you heard me' look.''I suppose I should introduce myself since she won't do it for me, well I am the one the only—'', Lily started but I cut her off.

''—'', I was about to say her name but then she cut me off by putting her hand over my mouth.

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