All eyes on me

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Chapter 25

I started punching my pillow.

Punching and punching and punching.

I accidentally hit my hand on my headboard thing, so then I started hitting it on the wood part.I was mad they left me for a bigger opportunity. Then after they left me I started getting bullied a lot and that's where my fear of stairs comes in. I got bushed by a girl at school, almost every day for 5 weeks but then the teachers noticed.







snapped at Asher 

Double hit

I didn't hear anyone come in, so I just continued. As I was about to hit another one. Two hands wrapped themselves around my waist.''Let me go'', I said trying to get out of whoever grasp.'' No'', I heard Oliver say. 

Honestly, he was the last person I expected to be here. I tried to hit my wrist again but Oliver stopped me.

I tried this for another 10 minutes straight, but then I gave up and stopped. Oliver turned me around and looked at me. I looked down, I don't like or do eye contact, coz you can tell when im lying.''Look at me''.

Oliver said, which I did not expect from him. I looked up and then he said ''your not Stupid, your not ugly, your beautiful, and your not dumb, you shouldn't say bad things that you aren't about yourself''.

I looked him in the eye, which took a lot of courage, and said.''How would you know'', I said breaking out of his grip.

''I know because your my sister, and because I have lived with Asher, Ashely, and Alexander for all of my life, Im pretty sure I can figure out you'' When he said that it surprised me.I guess im still getting used to being a quad.

He then did the strangest thing, he hugged me. But his hug was warm and comforting. I hugged him back. His hoodie was comfortable. My ribs were hurting so I let go.''Where did you get your hoodie?'', I asked out of the blue.''Cotton On'',He said.''No wonder it's so soft'', I said.

''Come let's go get food''', Oliver said dragging me out of my room. As soon as we got to the stairs I stopped. Seems everybody has just guessed I don't like stairs. Oliver then picked me up, bridal style and we walked into the kitchen, and all eyes on us. That made me think of that's a song with and Beyonce.I randomly started singing it.

Everybody looked at me so I just hide my head in Oliver's soft hoodie. Then I felt myself being placed in a chair. I silently thanked him and put my head on the table.


So That was Chapter 25

hOPe YoU lIkEd It



and what do you think will happen in the next chapters?

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