Brother? What brother?

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Sorry for not updating 

I had school and I will try every day that I can, also I'm writing 3 other books at the same time so go and check those out

So let's go on with this chapter 

Chapter 2

The class laughed at how red from anger my maths teacher's face was turning very red.''Sit down now Miss Johnson. I went to sit down and Lola, a sorta friend of mine gave me a sympathetic look.'' I'm so sorry about your loss'', She said giving me a small smile.''What do you mean?''.I asked confused, who died?.''We were on our way and my dad got a call—'', 

she started but couldn't finish because the door opened and the vice principal stood there.''May Miss Johnson please come to the office'', She said looking for me. I got up grabbed my bag and before walking out I wrote ' CARPE DIEM.Mr. Smith a look, he then gave me a detention slip. I walked to the office and the vice principal went to her office and I opened the principal's offices.''Agh, my favorite student Alicia ''

.Mr.Julian said.''Chillax Julian, I know im a great student and all but, you don't have to make me sound like a teacher's pet''.As I said that I noticed a guy sitting next to him, so I joined them without being asked to, I sat down and put my feet on his desk which he really hates.''So what's up Jul?'', I asked him.'' I'm sorry to say but your parents have died in a car crash this morning''.He said sincerely.

What. Is it wrong for me to want to celebrate this moment and cry at the same time?

''Oh '', I just said since I had nothing else to say.''Would you like to speak at their funeral next month?''.Mr.Julian asked.'' NOPE!'', I said.''So am I going into foster care, or is there like some rich aunt who suddenly wants to pityly 'adopted ' me''.I said doing speech quotes on the 'adopted.

''You will be sent to live with your brother, this is your 2nd older brother Milo?''.




What brother?

''As I was saying this is your brother and he's going to take care of you''Mr Julian told me.''So is this like April Fools or something?'', I asked and he turned to me, and then I saw his eyes and I knew we were related.

''So my whole life has been a lie, I always thought there was more to my family than so-called ''' mother'' led on'', I said standing up and putting my fist on the table trying to control my anger. After about 12 minutes of me being angry, or at least 12 seconds.

''Oh and by the way Juls I got detention'', I told him.''What did you do this time to Mr.Smith?''.he asked

''As I got called to the office by Maple Syrup, I wrote Carpe diem on his bored, before walking out with the slip in my hand, but before you let me off the hook, Mr. Smith always at the end of every listen says Carpe Diem''.I said proudly.''I have no doubt you did that and don't worry about detention, although you've been in trouble a few times, you haven't gotten detention or you did once or twice'', He said scratching his head.


Hope you liked it 




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