Please do it with us

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Chapter 27

''You guys can sing!'', I said. I was shocked. Not saying that boys can't sing, but I just kinda excepted them to sound terrible since they were loud, but they were actually good.

''You aren't that bad your self'', Oliver said.'' Yea'', Noah said and Asher nodding in Agreement with them.

The hospital wasn't that far away, so we reached there before the dance part at the end of the video. (A/N If u watched the vid u will know what I mean)

Asher got out of the car and ran round to my door and opened it.''Come on do it with us'', He said quickly as Oliver and Noah got out.'' No'', I said already knowing what he wanted me to do. I saw Ashley and Alexander and the rest get out of their cars.

The part was almost there. I was not doing this.''Come on please do it with us Bambina'', Noah said pleadingly.''No, I am not doing it'', I said crossing my hands.

''Please the parts nearly hear'', Asher said giving me puppy dog eyes and then turned to Oliver who in returned rolled his eyes and then said,'' Please''.

To say I was shocked was an understatement.''Please Bambina, even I'm going to be doing it with you guys, and I'm Legally an adult'', Noah said joining Asher and Oliver in the puppy dog eyes.

Ugh, what are these boys doing to me? It's only my second day.''But where are we supposed to do it'', I asked ''looking'' for a place to do it.''There is a lot of space, we can do it '', Oliver cheekily said pointing to the empty space.

The rest of the boys and Ashley came to watch what we were doing.'' No'', I said as I saw Ashley smiling at me.

The part was about to come on and I just love dancing so I sighed and got into position.

I looked at them before the part came on and then.

(Play the video, the dance part starts at 2:10)(a/n watching them dance will make more sense)


Hands Up.

Touch the ground.

Head up.

Neckroll x 2

Walk forward


Hands pointed like a gun and put them down.

Sprinkler thingy.

Do ur own thingy and finish the rest of the dance.

We landed in our places as the song ended.

''Oh my gosh, I can believe I just did that, reminds me of old times'', I thought or so I thought. Asher randomly hugged me, but luckily not too tight. They all started walking well I stayed behind.''Hey, Cia aren't you coming'', Alexander asked.

''Yea, I will see you guys in there'', I said as I avoided eye contact.''As much as I want to believe that ur going to come in, I avoid meeting the eyes whenever I lie'', Ashley confessed coming closer, practically dragging me.


Thank you so much for reading





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