No, you can't be

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Cia and Oliver's outfits ⬆

Chapter 28

After about 2 minutes, of me brushing my teeth and Ashley rambling, I learned a lot about the boys, Like Oliver may give off an 'I don't care and don't talk to me 'vibe but he just doesn't like showing he cares, for some reason.

I spat it out and did my hair. Ashley had gone back to her room to change. I got my boots on and went to her room, it was similar to mine which was cool.''Whoa you dress like Oliver'', Ashely said as I came in and she was fixing her outfit.

It was ripped jeans and an Adidas t-shirt.''How did you do your hair like that?'', Ashely asked dumbfounded.''A friend taught me how'', I said standing next to her in her mirror.

 She was a bit taller than me but my boots made me reach her height a bit.''We don't look alike at all'', Ashely mumbled looking in the mirror.

Well, she had a point I was in more of a grunge look and Ashely's was cute but casual.''Does it matter? Sometimes different can be good'', I said as I took my phone out of my pocket. And we took a mirror selfie.

''Guys were leaving'', Someone from downstairs shouted.'' let's got'', Ashely said applying some lipgloss on. We walked downstairs and as we got to the kitchen Oliver came in.

''No, you can't be'', I said at the same time Oliver said''You've got to be kidding me''.We had similar outfits on and this meant that Oliver was the other model im supposed to be modeling with.''I have to do this with you?''.

Oliver said in a moody voice.''Oh, you have to do this with me, what about me who has to do this with you'', I said as I pointed at him.

''They told me, I would be doing this shoot with someone who has the same interested as me, not some little girl to be exact'', Oliver said throwing his hands up.''Yea that's what they told me, except I thought I was working with someone who actually knew how to be civil'', I sassed back at him.

''Oof'', Alexander, Asher, and Ashely said at the same time.

I checked my phone and recent messages from my modeling agent.

You may be wondering am I not a bit young to be modeling and stuff but they found me not I found them. I was scrolling till I found one

Kim/MA = K ,C = Cia

K: Guess what girly

C: What's up Kim

K: I got you a photoshoot with Grundge and some other dude who has the same interest as you

C: cool, I will definitely be there

K: Great I will let the photographers know you are coming

K: It's at a really cool warehouse.5 weeks from today. Be there at 4:45 am

C: Girl really?

K: Yes now I have to go

C: K cya

K: Bye chicka 


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I still can't believe where in the Ks 


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