No choice but to

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Sorry it's taken so long, a/n at the end 


''Levi, Noah can you come over here and help me, the rest of you could you please go get a T-shirt, hoodie, swimsuit, and sweatpants from Nurse Coralia, she will know what you mean''.doctor

Karina /blue sad .no this was not happening they couldn't find out she couldn't find out. They couldn't know. Dr. Karina came and looked at me and said.''Please Ci, I need to check your ribs in case your seriously injured''.

Luckily the others believed what she said and went to get it, but Oliver stayed. If I had my confidence back then. I wouldn't mind showing them but since I lost my confidence, I can't.

I just looked down and played with the hem of my jacket.''Babygirl, please all we want to do is help you'', Levi said with a caring look on his face.

I sighed and looked down. I had no choice but to. Levi and Noah slowly lifted my shirt up.

Gasps were heard.''Who did this to you Bambina?'', Levi asked half angry. I remained silent.''Please tell us who did this to you baby girl'', Noah added.

''Cia, please tell us'', Dr. Karina asked. I could practically feel the boy's anger radicating of me.''Ok, how about we play a game, I ask a question and you ask me a question, I know you want to know about the squad'', She said.

Dammit, I kinda did wanna know about the squad. I shook my head yes.''Did this happen a while after your mom meet Mike?'', She asked slowly.

I nodded looking down.''Your turn'', She said softly.''Why did you guys leave me and I know what I said'', I said softly and slowly, with less emotion in my voice than before.

''We wanted you to come with us, we tried so hard but your mom and Mike forbid you to come, for some odd reason''.Dr. Karina said.

''How long has this been going on?'', She asked again softly.''What do you mean how long!?'', Noah asked running a hand through his hair, the same as Levi did.

''A while'', I said.''Define awhile'', She said back at me. I held up 2 and a half fingers. She took a deep breath but then she had tears in her eyes.

''I'm so sorry, this happened to you, I should've done something to prevent it, I should've fought for custody over you'', She said crying.

I had a few tears in my eyes from what she said. I wiped her tears off of her face and then I softly ''It wasn't your fault'' after I said that she hugged me softly, tucking my shirt.

I slowly got off the table.''Is this why you flinched, whenever someone was too loud?"',Levi asked.

I shook my head yes and then I heard the others come in, so I wiped my tears and then I looked out the window.


Chapter 29

Being honest this was really hard to write, so that's why it took so long

Hope you liked it 



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