My head can be a scary place

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Chapter 34

''As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I am the one, the only Lily Stone'', She finished saying.

''Lily used to live in California before she moved here'', I said awkwardly.'' Well it's nice to meet you, Lily, I'm Levi and this is Noah, Milo, Oliver, Jayden and Josh, Alexander, Ashley, and Asher'', Levi said.

''Nice to meet you guys as well, unfortunately, we only have a half an hour break, and it took like 25 minutes to get here so I have to go, oh and by the way, everyone says Hi and they wish you all the best'', Lily said hugging me but she squeezed me tighter.

Which meant something.

I hugged her back and before she walked out of the room Dr.Karina walked in.''Hey Bluey'', Lily said to Dr.Karina.

''Oh hey Lils, have you told her'', Dr. Karina asked Lily. I was a slight bit annoyed that they were talking like I wasn't there and I think I already know what this is about.


''Is this about you guys being challenged and if you don't win the dance of thingy, you have to forfeit nationals and if you forfeit nationals then ur 2 years in a row streak will be lost and the other team will be the winners, and the girl's team needs another girl for this year's nationals competition'', I said off the top my head.

''That is correct, group face time later tonight, I am adding you no matter what you say and I need to go or Miss Yulia is going to kill me, bye-bye Luv u and take your medication'', Lily said waving as she walked out the door.

''What?'', Jayden and Josh said obviously confused.''So missy it's time we have that talk, that I'm sure you've been waiting for'', Dr. Karina said with mostly sarcasm at the end because I am not looking forward to this talk at all.

Yep.So excited about this.So flippen flapjakes happy.I thought about it for a second and then I started staring out the window and watching the outside life.

I probably stared out the window for a good five minutes.''Ci, you need to concentrate,2 for depression,1 to 1 depending on how anxious you feel, and a few vitamins of each every day, and don't overdose on anything'', Dr. Karina said handing me my pills.

Oh, I'm so happy right now. More sad pills to help me become sadder just great. In the time being Alex, Ashley and Asher, had gone home, or at least that's what Noah told me. Milo and Levi went to get food, well Oliver went home with Jayden and Josh.

Your thoughts can be a scary place sometimes, how am I supposed to get better with pills that make me sadder each day.

I hate this feeling.

The feeling of being depressed.

The feeling of being useless.

The feeling of being ugly and not good enough

I hate feeling worthless.

I hate the fact that I can't go to school and not have anxiety 

I hate having anxiety


Chapter 34

Hope you liked it more comming


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