I am not nervous

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Chapter 49

The last few days were good and bad, the photoshoot was awesome and I learned more about my family, while they learned a lot about me.

As hard as it was, I never said goodbye to my mom. Levi said I didn't have to, so I just said I'll see you again soon. Right, now I was in the bathroom getting ready to sing. I was so nervous but I have my friends and family supporting me.

After my mom's funeral, I spoke to Levi, and letting someone know how I was feeling helped a lot and he told me I can talk to him whenever I need to, right now I was with Asher and Alex, and Ashley.

''You know this the first time we've spent together since you go here'', Ashely said as we sat on the couch in my v.i.p stage room.

This Is a really big event that's happening, it could open so many more opportunities for me. I looked at the boys for help but they just gave me the 'tell her yourself look'.

''Fine, Im scared of you,I'm not scared of you but just you, and well its complicated look I had friends who have the very same styles as you and that's cool and all but those friends landed up pushing me down the stairs and a whole lot of other things that 

I still haven't gotten over and that's why I haven't tried to confide in you, not because I don't want to because I'm too scared to'', I said as I got up and walked into my mini dressing room. 

I walked out of the dressing room in my new outfit, it was shorts and a crop top. It took a lot of convincing for Levi and Noah to get me this top.

Ashley just came and hugged me and at the moment all was said and all is fine.''Has anyone seen my sneakers?''',I asked lifting up random things.''Ok seriously you need to stay organised a little bit more'', Ashley said handing me my sneakers. I rolled my eyes and thanked her. 

I am not nervous.

No not at all.

Why would I be nervous?

Oh maybe coz ur hands are shaking

I didn't realize my hands were shaking.

''Hey hey, it's going to be fine your going to be fine'', Josh and Jayden said as they entered the room. Josh took out his phone and started playing Shower and we started dancing and my nerves were done but I was still worried, but for now, I just danced it off.

And then suddenly it was my turn to sing and I was so nervous but I wasn't shaking. My name was called and I started singing and just letting loose and being in the flow of the music.

 As the music faded the audience jumped to their feet and started clapping, I looked for my brothers and saw Levi with a proud look on his face and everyone else smiling. I smiled back at them, before taking a bow and collecting a few roses that were thrown. 

💔 🤍 💔 🤍

EE guys I'm excited and scared you will see now now




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