I hate heights

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Chapter 11

Then as we walked to the plane, the were those stair thingys. I saw one of my worst fears. Heights and planes. I have definitely watched way too much Aircraft investigation.

What if the plane crashed?What if we crash and we land on an island and have to eat fruits and make a coconut bomb thingy if a helicopter would fly over the island. After Milo noticed I wasn't following him up the stairs he called me but by then.

I was too busy thinking about how I would look in ripped clothes.'' Lecia, Ally'', Milo called then I looked up at him.'' Huh?'', I said looking up at him, big mistake. The sun was in my eye and it was bright.'' Aren't you coming, the planes going to leave soon?''.

 Milo asked as he walked down to me. I didn't initially mean to ignore him but I just looked at the ground. Milo came over to me and lifted my chin with his finger.''Is there something your not telling me?'', Milo asked as if he knew but he wanted me to trust him enough to tell him.

Maybe I could do this?

I took a deep breath.Inhale.Exhale and said I'm afraid of heights'', after mumbling that, I doubled my finger crossed that he heard me.

''Your afraid of heights aren't you?'', Milo said lifting my face up again. I just nodded.''Ok, well the plane leaves soon so let's make a deal if I can't convince you to come on the plane with me in the next 7 minutes,

 I promise we will hire a car and I will drive us 18 hours myself, but if I can convince you to come on the plane, then you have to talk to me, ok?'', Milo asked.

Damm what if he convinces me?

Then we will just have to play him at his own game

Do you think we can do this?

Yea...kinda...no not really?

Way to have faith in yourself!

Wow, I thought you were supposed to help me not diss me

We cant all get what we want and btw Milo is waving fingers in front of your face

It always seems to be an interesting conversation with me and my head.''Fine deal'', I said shaking his hand.

And that's how 7 minutes later, I found myself being picked up and lifted onto the plane. Somehow he convinced me and now I kinda have to talk to him.

About what, It's not like im about to go blabbing I've been abused for 2 and a half years

Girl, calm down

I am so calm

Sure you are' my brain said sarcastically.

I snapped back to reality as the pilot said we were taking off.



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