A Plane?

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Chapter 7

''How, do you have that'', I asked taking it into my hands.'' I'll explain later, we all have one and there's this long chain at home and all of them fit in it, but yours is just missing'', He said taking my hand slowly. I got in the car. but I still didn't trust him.

''Did someone hurt you?'', He asked slowly. 

Do I tell him?

Do I lie to him?

I just got in the car and said nothing. Just to clarify I am not bipolar.''Ok, how about we go to the airport, cause our plane leaves in an hour'', He said.

''.....'', All I could think of was the Plane. I hate heights  ever since


My drunk mom dragged me to the top of an apartment building. They're waiting with a smirk on his face was my step-dad. At this age, I did not know what the smirk emoji meant.

I ran into his arms hoping he would save me from my drunken mother. What I didn't realize was he was, how close he was to the end he was.

''Please help me  I don't like heights and mom wanted to come up here''.10 year old me said.''Let go of me, you silly girl'', He said. After that, he hit me and grabbed me by my throat, and brought me over to the ledge.

I don't like high things, at all. I was now hanging about more than 50 ft high. I had a pretty good view of the town, except im so scared.

Anxiety was rising in my throat.''Pl-lease, I don't like heights'', I pleaded. He then pretended to drop me and for a second I thought I was going to fall but he caught me. Then he dropped me.

I was falling, then he caught me.

And that's where my anxiety started after that day I was never the same

Flashback over

I closed the door and directed Milo to where to go. I got ready to go out and get my stuff.''Do you want me to come with you, this doesn't exactly look like the safest part of time'', Milo asked as I got out.''No, and I won't be long'', I said as I ran in and opened the door. The smell of alcohol hit me as I walked in.

I walked/ran to my room grabbed my board, which was hidden, and then I grabbed a Gucci bag with all my free clothing voucher from numerous shops. You may be wondering how I got the free shopping vouchers, lets just say I know someone and im kind of a little model for them.

I walked back to the car and put the stuff on my lap.''Ok before you go, is there, anyone, you want to say goodbye to?'', He asked as he started the car again. Yes, there was Jake.''Yea, there is one more person, can you go left at the next street and then a right and then a left and you should be there'', As I said that it took him a minute to process what I had just said.


Do you like it so far? 

Also sorry I was going to update last night, I think I did but sorry if I did 

How's your Sunday going?

Mines good except an I burnt my hand twice on the toasted cheese-making things 

so where my thumb is a bit down, like a small rectangle and it hurts if I put anything hot near it, and then I also burnt the side of my pinkie

The thumb things happened well I was listening to Dynamite by bts and i got distracted lol 




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