Reunited Pt.2

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Chapter 45

They looked shocked that I called him by his first name. But not as shocked as I was when I heard to voiced call my name.

'' Sorellina!!''(Little Sister)


I heard voices call me. I know those voices, I turned my head and saw Megan and Zoe, or should I say Maple, her real name is Megan though.

You never know how much you miss a person and till you don't see them. I dropped my bag and ran and jumped on Megan, luckily she caught me or I would've had a saw bum.

I hugged her as my life depended on it, then I heard a ''Hey, how come she gets all the hugs'', Zoe whined. I went from Maple to Zoe. I was so happy to see them.

I got down from Zoe and hugged both of them again.




''Guys stop questioning her that is definitely her''

''Oh my freakin gosh,we missed you!''

I turned to where the voices were coming from and although it was a pretty big group of different ages, I knew all of them.

''No, no no!?''I said confused and happy.

I looked at the girls as they looked at me. I screamed and then they screamed and we all ran to each other.

Then we fell and landed up laughing, as usual, I was on the top, somehow no idea how I got to the top if we all fell.

''Lily!! Kimmy!! Lee!! Kiara!!!! Ella!!'', I said as I pulled them up and hugged each one.

''Oh my oh my, you have grown so much and oh my goodness, your hair'', Kimmy said.

''And look at you Kimmy, you go freckles, aww you look so adorable'', I said hugging her. She laughed at me and hugged me again.

I turned to Lily.''Well we already saw each other, but I want a hug'', Lily said hugging me.''Oh my freaking goodness, no'', I said as I looked at Ella, she has grown so much.

''What can I say, you have grown so much yourself'', Ella said as she hugged me.''Lee, no no no that is not you'', I said.

''Believe it or not, it is me, what happened to your hair?'', Lee asked hugging me. My hair was dyed brown and it never came out, but I had to die my hair blonde because it didn't suit me as my step-dad said.

''Apparently, it didn't suit me'', I said rolling my eyes.'' Aren't you forgetting someone A?'', I heard a voice say.

''Oh my gosh, Kiara!!! And I see you are as beautiful as ever, loving the hair'', I said squeezing her.''Thank you and right back at ya, I can't believe how much you have grown, right guys'', Kiara said hugging me, then letting me go and hugging me again.








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