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Chapter 21

Not too light and not too dark.''Goodnight Ci'', Asher said as he pulled me closer to him.''Night Ash'', I said as I put my phone down.

Asher's Pov

Surprised bet you didn't see this coming.

I was happy our sister was back with us. It was hard knowing that we were quadruplets but we had never met our little sister. I said goodnight to my sister and pulled her closer to me.

At first, when she came, something seemed off about her, like she was scared of all of us. What I noticed was she kept looking down and avoiding eye contact.

 Could she have been abused? And that's why she was quiet. Call it a quadruple thing but I think somethings wrong. I can just feel it.

I hope she is happy here and she stays with us. I lightly kissed my baby sister on her forehead and then I went to sleep.

-Time skip- Cia's Pov 


''How could you!!!'', My step-dad asked me. 

I was making myself a sandwich and about to get the plate but then he came behind me and yanked my hair, and I dropped the plate.

''It wasn't my fault'', I said. He looked at me and then he slapped me.

Punched me in my gut. I clutched over in agony. He stepped on my foot. It hurt and I had tears in my eyes.'' Don't cry you stupid, useless brat'', He said punching me and kicking me again.

This went on for about 2 and a half hours. From that moment I haven't cried. (except when I was with Asher)

Then my dream changed. To one of the worst things that could have ever happened to me.


I ran into his arms hoping he would save me from my drunken mother. What I didn't realize was he was, how close he was to the end he was.

''Please help me, I don't like hights''.10 year old me said.''Let go of me, you silly girl'', He said. After that, he hit me and grabbed me by my throat, and brought me over to the ledge.

I don't like high things, at all. I was now hanging about more than 50 ft high. I had a pretty good view of the town, except im so scared.

Anxiety was rising in my throat.''Pl-lease, I don't like heights'', I pleaded. He then pretends to drop me and for a second I thought I was going to fall but he caught me. Then he dropped me.

I was falling and then I screamed.

Back to Asher Pov

I woke up with a startle, due to my sister screaming.

 I sat up and saw she was thrashing around. I tried to wake her up but she wasn't responding. I ran out of my room and into Oliver's room since he's mostly likely awake.

'' Oliver'', I said shaking him.''What do you want'', I was about to tell him when we heard a scream. Oliver jumped out of his bed and we ran back to her room.


So what do you guys think about Asher's Pov?

Should I do more POVs?




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