My rainbow on a cloudy day

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Chapter 20

''Ok fine, I will do it, but can you call the agency and tell them I am busy and I will do something with them in the school holidays'', I said opening my Gucci bag.

''Sure will do, bye Luv u'', Miss Emma said over the phone.''By Miss E, Luv u 2, oh and tell Zoe and Maple I say hi'', I said as I hung up.''What was the last question'', I asked.

''What are your hobbies'', Asher said leaning on my other pillow. I took out my Gucci vouchers and grabbed photos that were on the bottom.''Um, that's a hard one, Photography, dance, singing, embarrassing myself in the mall, gymnastics, procrastinating'', I said as I changed my background on my phone.

''Wait do you have ig?'', Ashley asked.'' Yeah, why?''',I asked switching off my phone.''Yes and no I don't know my ig''', I said as I put my bag on the floor.

''Are you Cia_02, or Cia.09-1, or this random one that came up that's called CIA_2,'', Asher said looking up from his phone.''The one with all caps, but please, wait till im sleeping or something to look at my page'', I said yawning.

''Im tired let's go to sleep'', Ashley said.''Me 2 goodnight Ci''Alexander said as Ashley and he walked out the door. Asher got up but I did something I didn't think I would do.

''Hey Asher, can you stay please'', I said before Asher walked out the door.''Ok sure, just let me get my pj's'', He said walking out. While Asher was getting his PJs I was on my phone.

I started looking through my old ig pics. I hadn't realized it but I started crying and I didn't notice Asher came in.''Hey Ci, what's wrong?'', Asher asked me sitting on my bed.

''Nothing, I just have something in my eye and it's bugging me'', I said hugging Asher back as he hugged me.''I remember the day we took this picture, I had to be woken up early and I was in such a mood'', I said showing Asher the picture.''Is that mom?'', He asked looking at the picture.''Yes, it is'', I said showing him another picture from when I was small.

''Tell me about mom''Asher asked me.''Sure, she was my best friend, when things got hard she was my light when I only saw the darkness, 

if I was ever in a mood she would do one thing and I would be laughing with her the next second, she was my everything, my dance coach, my gymnastic coach, my vocal coach, my sunshine, rainbow on a cloudy day, 

when life got tough she was there, when the bullies came she was there when I didn't want to take my medication, she was there'', I said as I told him about our mom.

''She seemed pretty cool, I wish we could've stayed together'', Asher said as a tear fell down his cheek. I wiped it with my hand..''Me too'''.

I said as I go into the other side of the bed. I then got up slowly, since my ribs were hurting pretty badly. I switched my light off and switched the fairy lights on and it was perfect.


That was chapter 20

Hope you liked it

-My mom is a bit like that, if I'm in a mood for no reason at all she will say something and the next I'm laughing at with her and I'm thankful I have her

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