The good and even the bad

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Chapter 48

Over the last few days, I can't tell whether I'm happier by the minute or whether I'm sadder by the minute. The photoshoot I had with Oliver was coming up in a few days and our whole family was coming.

I spoke to the girls and guys about not coming back to dance at this moment and not exactly talking to them either. I just need time to figure everything out, right now we're driving to my mom's funeral, we had to get up really early to be there on time.

I was bored in the car with the others and since the radio was on and Payphone by Maroon 5 was playing, I decided to get lost while singing.

While singing I remembered all of the adventures with my mom. The good and even the bad, It was hard looking back, my life has never been easy. My mom was away most of my childhood but at the same time, she was always there but not in person.

How would you like it if your best friend died, the one person who was there when everything went downhill for you, the one person who helped you through all the struggles in life? That person was my mom. Our relationship may have taken a turn when she meets him but I still love her.

It's funny how you don't really appreciate someone and till they're gone, and that's only after the rude thing you have said. I hope my mom can forgive me for not understanding what it was like to be a single mother but now I do understand, it's not easy.

I hadn't spoken a word since we got in the car and till I started singing. The songs ended so continued singing to the radio.

It brought back all the good and the bad. Now that I have my brothers it has made me realize how lucky I am. I could be in an orphanage but my oldest brother decided to take the responsibility of being my legal guardian, along with everyone else.

As we all got out of the car, I was still singing and not really concentrating. Since Levi was driving and I was behind him, so when he got out I hugged him.

''Thank you for taking me, when you didn't have to'', I said putting my head in his shirt. I just hide my face cause I had tears down my face.''Your family Bambina, whether you like it or not'', Levi said kissing my forehead and winking at the end.

Now was the moment, nobody is prepared for, saying goodbye to a loved one is never easy.

I didn't want to say goodbye, because it means I will never see her again. I wanted to confide in Ashley but honestly, I'm scared of her. She dresses about the same as Them and they are girls I used to be friends with but meet popular and hello bullies.



What's up?

nm with me rn

Anyways thanks for reading




Nah I'm just kidding 

bye guys

what should I call you guys?

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