So any reasons?

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How it sounds when she is playing, I don't own the video

I really wish I could play like that I LOVE BASS

Chapter 36

''I have to get up early tomorrow but Asher has insomnia and is probably up'', Levi said opening up a door. Which I'm pretty sure was Asher's door.

''Asher, Asher are you awake''Levi whispered.

A few seconds of silence went by before I heard,'' Ya, why why do you need something'', Asher asked.

''Brought you a present'', Levi said sitting me down on Asher's bed.''A person or a present?'', Asher asked sitting up in the dark.

''Either one, depending on how you see her, anyways I have work tomorrow but Milo or Noah will be home, also don't stay up too late'', Levi said kissing my forehead and then kissing Ashers.

Levi left and Asher and I were left in comfortable silence.''So any reasons you can't sleep'', Asher asked switching on his lamp.

Damm bright light.''No, not really'', I said covering my eyes.''You got any reasons'', I asked as my eyes got used to the light.''I have insomnia and you're a really bad liar'', Asher said as he came over and sat on the same side of the bed I was on.

''I am not a terrible liar'', I said not looking him in the eye.

Am I a terrible liar?

''Yes, you are, and come'', Asher said pulling me up. I followed him and we went down the hall from the bedrooms and then there was another staircase.









Instead of going up the stairs, Asher went around and under the stairs and there was a door.

After following Asher into the door, I saw it was a Music was so cool. It had concert posters of, Shawn Mendes,Ariana Grande, One Direction,Bts,Blackpink,Red Velvet and a few others.

I turned and saw Asher was holding up a guitar.''You want to play?'', Asher asked.

The last time I played was when I had to choose a few instruments. My step-dad insisted, so now thanks to him but not really him. I saw bass and my eyes widened.''Go ahead'', Asher said

I played a few notes and then it all came back.''Do you want me to backtrack you?'', Asher asked and I nodded as I tried to remember the rest of the notes.

Asher started playing the backtrack and I heard it was Dua Lipa, Don't start now. I started playing and it made me remember how fun it was playing with the band.

After the song stopped, I put the bass down, my finger was starting to hurt.I rubbed my finger on my pajama pants which I borrowed from Ashley.

''Your turn'', I said as I sat on the couch. Asher started playing and it sounded really cool.

After he was done playing he sat next to me.''You can play, like really play'', I said as I leaned my head on him.''So can you'', Asher said.

''Are you coming to school with us?'', Asherasked.''I don't want to, but I think so'', I said.


SO it's CURRENTLY 20:15, Im going to wait and till 21: something, if anybody remembers the time please let me know

SO it's CURRENTLY 20:15, Im going to wait and till 21: something, if anybody remembers the time please let me know

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