Good ending

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Chapter 23

''So how was the plane ride'', Levi asked as he got up and pulled me to a door, turns out that's my bathroom. He pulled out a first ad kit and got wiped the blood off my arm and wrapped it in a bandage.

''Thanks'', I said as he finished wrapping up my arm.''Do you want to go to the music room'', Levi asked opening the door.'' Oh k '', I said as I slowly followed Levi. We turned and then the were stairs going up. Hehe yea no. not doing that.

''You know what, I'm feeling tired, Im just going to go back to my room'', I said as I stared at the stairs, They looked evil to me, they hurt me last time so why not hurt me again.''You know I'm your older brother, you can tell me anything and I promise I won't judge you'', Levi said as he took my bandaged arm, that I was busy playing with out of habit.

I gave him a small smile and then I said ''I'm afraid of stairs, let's just say we don't have the best history'', I said softly to Levi.

''Ok, then we don't have to go there, do you want to watch a movie in my room'', Levi asked putting both my hands in his. It's like he knew I was going to sleep anytime.

''Um, don't you need to sleep?'', I asked him as I shifted my feet because my ribs were starting to hurt.''Nah, I'll be fine'', Levi said pulling me gently, down the hall.

He opened it and he went in, I hesitantly followed.''What movie do you want to watch'', Levi asked me as he monitored for me to sit down.

I just shrugged, since I haven't really caught up on movies. Since my step-dad decided im not special enough to have it.

Levi got his laptop out and searched for something, I wasn't paying attention. Then it started playing and I saw it was Dora and the Last City of Gold, featuring Isabella Moner, but now known as Isabella Merced. (A/N Think that's how u spell it)

I sat down and Levi pulled me closer to him. I was going to pull away but then he might get sus, so I just stayed close to him.

-Time skip to after the movie-

The movie was over and it had a good ending, I would say happy ending, but I DON'T BELIEVE IN HAPPY EVER AFTERS, Im sorry if you're a fan of that stuff, but seriously. If I waited every day for my Prince Charming, coming on a  horse, then I would be dead. Because I would have waited and till the day I day, and he wouldn't have shown up. I would have been abused so much that, I would want to kill myself. So please don't tell about happy ever afters, because they don't exist. Theirs no Prince Charming, no horse.

''Go to sleep, Babygirl'', Levi said lightly leaving a kiss on my head. I closed my eyes as I hugged Levi. Then I went into a deep sleep.


That was Chapter 23 

Hope you liked it 





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