Math is boring,so I ditched

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Chapter 47

As soon as we got to the dance studio, I could smell the dance studio smell, so I did the smartest thing I could do. I sneaked away from Oliver and his friends.

I mean I love dance and all that but it's everything else. I haven't seen my best friends in 2 years and now we're just acting like we're best friends again and on top of I have brothers, which still hasn't probably settled in my head and If I went to the dance class, I would be seeing my friends again and I love them to bits but then that would also mean seeing the boys again and im not exactly ready for that.

So I kept walking and till I bumped into a wall. Actually, that didn't feel like a wall.''What are you doing out of class?'', A familiar voice asked.

I looked up and I saw Noah.''Um, I was just ditching'', I said honestly because I am a really terrible liar when it comes to lying to my brothers.

''No you not ditching anymore, come on we all have lunch now and you're going to explain why you out of class and why I got a message from Asher and Alex, that you skipped math'', Noah said pulling me towards the cafeteria.

Since we were early and the line was short and in no time we got out food.''Hey Noah, you joining us?'', Someone shouted over the half-empty cafeteria.

''Not today, but ill see you in English later'', Noah replied as we found a table.

''You know what Noah, it seems your friends are missing you, you should go sit with them and I will go back to 'class''.I said making sure it sounded like I was going to class, I mean Im not.

Noah said nothing and till I sighed before sitting down.''Math was boring, Science was interesting going to dance class was a lot harder than I thought it would be'', I said telling Noah the truth. He just gave me that I can trust him vibe.

''Why?'', Noah asked. Ugh.

''Not here'', I said as Noah handed me a piece of pizza, which I kindly declined. I love pizza but im not in the mood.

''Eat, you need to stop skipping meals'', Noah said handing me the piece of pizza.'' I'm not trying to, I'm just always too busy to eat and have gotten used to not eating'', I said.

That wasn't an exact lie. I never was allowed to eat at home and I only ate at school about 3 times a week.'' Hey'', Josh and Jayden said as they joined us at the table.

''Heya'', Asher, Alex, and Ashley said. I took a small bite of my pizza. It was actually really yummy.

''Care to explain why you ditched, schools important you know'', Ashley lectured me.

''Math is boring, so I ditched'', I said telling her part of the truth.''Anyways, everyone is coming and im leaving'', I said getting up from the table with my half piece and stealing Noah's last pieces.

''Cya'', I said walking/running out of the cafeteria. I walked and till I found a door that led to outside. It was peaceful and no one was talking.


Hey guys 😊

I'm referring to all of you, no matter the gender 😊

I just like using the term guys, because it's like everyone and I'm not excluding anybody, because in a group a person could say ''Hey guys'', to all the boys and girls, so ya see?






ok saying that kinda makes me feel sus

but ya'll I ain't the imposter 

or at least it hasn't been decided coz I'm not playing among us rn

Do u play among us?

I do

What's ur fav among headgear?

Mine is the wolf ears

What's ur fav among us color?

Mine is Cyan 

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