He did not just sass back at me

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Chapter 35

I woke up in a puddle of sweat and tears in my eyes. Another nightmare, the 2nd one tonight. It was about the time my mom tried to go report my step-dad. It's been 3 days since I got back from the hospital and since then I haven't spoken much.

I got out of my bed and I walked out into the hall and sat on the top step before the staircase. I feel so lonely, I know I have my brothers and Ashley, but I still feel pretty Lonely.

I heard footsteps and turned to see Levi standing next to me.'' Having trouble sleeping?'', he asked sitting down next to me.

''Maybe'',I said.''Do you want a sleeping pill, they do help you fall asleep?'', Levi asked.''No, they don't really help'', I said as I stood up.

Levi stood up as well and then took my hand in his and we walked down the passage.''Do you want to stay with me'', He asked coming down to my level. It was dark and I really couldn't see him but I could kinda. I silently said yes.

I walked in slowly and followed Levi. It reminded me of the first night, I stayed here.

''Another nightmare huh'', Levi said as he pulled me closer to him.'' Hm'', I replied not really wanting to form words.

Levi sighed before saying.'' I'm sorry we couldn't find you, and I'm sorry you had to go through all of that Bambina''.

Me too.'' It's ok, it wasn't your fault'', I said.

I hate it when people make it their fault yet it happened to me.

''No, but we could've looked harder for you'', Levi said kissing my forehead. Since I didn't want to talk about this any longer, I decided to change the topic.

''Will I have to go to school?'', I asked leaning my head on Levi.''Maybe, if you want you could be homeschooled since Milo, does college from home, but well see'', Levi said.

''Aren't you tired?'', I asked Levi, changing the school subject.''You know when you don't want to talk about something anymore, you change the subject, your exactly like Ashley'', Levi said.

''Aren't you tired'', Levi said deflecting my question to me.

''Nope not really'', I said sitting up.''Come on'', Levi said getting out of his bed.''But your bed is really comfy and I can't get up'', sassed not admitting I was lazy.

''Don't be lazy, your still young, but fine'', Levi sassed back at me.

He did not just sass back at me.

I looked at him one more time then he sighed and turned around. I carefully hopped on his back, since my bruises still hurt, but the cream and painkillers helped a bit.

They aren't as ugly and purplish as they used to be.


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