She used my full name

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Chapter 28

As soon as we got in, we walked down somewhere and went right, or was it left anyways. Levi knocked on the door.''Come in'', I heard a very familiar voice say.

We all went in, luckily enough the room was big enough to hold us all.''Hey Dr. Karina, this is our sister Cia''Levi introduced me as I stepped forward and saw the familiar voice which is now a familiar face.

''What's your surname?'', I asked out of the blue, kinda sounding a bit rude.''Hi, you look familiar, does the name Miami State of Mind, mean anything to you and the surname is Blue'', she said.



Karina Blue, Caden's mom, Caden is the caption of the boy's dance team. I ran up and hugged her. We were really close. Like I considered Caden a brother. She hugged me back and then she let go of me.''I wondered why you looked so much like Ash, Asher, and Alexander'', She said.

''Omy gosh Bluey''.I said kinda squealing. I hugged her again.''So hows life'', I asked her. by the life I meant everybody else.

''It's good and you don't think we should tell them how we know each other?'', She said hugging me. Well, she said that she also monitored for me to get on the examination table. I got on it and regretted it.

Dr.Karina/Bluey was busy explaining how we knew each other and stuff. She asked me to do some other stuff and then I did it and stuff and then.

''Ow'', I said as she touched my ribs.''Are you ok, did I hurt you?'', Dr. Bluey/Karina asked.

''No you didn't, I just bumped into the table, yesterday morning'', I said playing with my hands and doing 👉👈.

''Are you lying to me Alicia Jay Johnson'', Dr.Karina asked in her tell me now voice and she used the full name. She wouldn't use the full name unless we're in trouble.

''No, why would I lie to you?'', I said in an I'm totally not lying.'', '' I'm going to do the other check-ups and you going to tell me why the hell your whole hand is red''.She said walking to the others.

I am so dead, she used her scary mommy voice. I looked down and played with my fingers. I forgot my hand was burnt and now it was exposed. I have been wondering why my hand hurts.

So that's what I did for like 3 hours. Ok, it was not 3 hours more like 15 minutes. She came back and then said ''Can you please left your T-shirt up''.

Oh no, I was not doing that.''I can't it attached to my pants'', I said trying to not lie. I didn't like lying to someone who was close to me.

''We can do this, the easy way or the hard way''', She said giving me the' this is your last chance look.

''What about the no way'', I sassed. I can be a bit at times, but I have my reasons.'' Don't you dare sass me, young lady'', She said wiggling her finger in front of my face. Then she said.


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