Lost Boy

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Chapter 6

I smiled looking at them and then before I started dancing.''Excuse me Cia, what exactly are you doing'', Miss Emma asked.

I looked to the rest of the class and back at Miss Emma. She hates it when we dance in our socks, she said something about it ruining them.

I may or may not have been in my socks.''Oh,im just dancing in my socks'', I start to say as she gives me a ' take them off now' look. ''Please, just this once?'', I begged. Milo just stands there trying to his laugh.

''Ok, I'll take them off, Kay, start the song'', I told her as I took my socks off. You may be wondering why im dancing even tho im abused, well dancing is my escape and my safe place.

''Starting now'', She says she starts playing.

I start dancing and as im dancing it like im in my own world but with the music. Thinking about it, I'm a lost boy from Neverland.

After dancing my heart out as in a few simple moves. I stopped and it was quiet, I turned around and they all started clapping and cheering. Then we got one last group hug.

''We are so going to visit you in Miami, for the preview of Nationals'', Kade said as everyone group hugged me.

''Yea will def will and were ganna miss you so much, the older girls aren't as nice as you'', Kaycee said hugging me.

''Aww, depending on if I can make it, I will be at tryouts for Nationals'', I said hugging both of them back.'

I walked to Miss Emma and said I guess this is it?'', I said dramatically falling into her arms. Then I hugged her.''Well, I think it will be good for you too and who knows what other family you have?'', Miss Emma said jokingly.

I hugged her one last time and walked out of the studio with Milo. Then I sat down on the curb before the car.

Milo came and sat next to me.''Are you ok?'', He asked. I just stayed quiet. I would've answered him but I didn't know how to. Milo got in the car and I followed hesitantly. I opened the car door but didn't get in.''You know you can trust me right, I promise im not going to hurt you'', Milo said.

Hurt. A word im so familiar with, My mom hurt me, My step-dad hurt me, my best friend hurt me, so many people hurt me, how could I just trust Milo.

I looked at Milo and he looked at me. He looked like the kinda guy who wouldn't hurt his family.

As I was about to get in. He lifted a sort of necklace and it was the same exact one I had, then he passed it to me.





Don't be a silent reader

Are you an extrovert or introvert? or ambivert (if that's how you spell it?)P

I am defiantly an extrovert 

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