The Dursleys

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(Third person.)

Harry was sitting on his bed waiting for Aunt Petunia to give him his list of chores. It was 5:47 in the morning, he always got up around this time seeing as of he wasn't ready to do his chores immediately he would get beat again.

Harry was wearing Dudleys old clothes that were extremely baggy on him.
It had only been a week since he'd gotten back from his fourth year at Hogwarts but he had at least three broken bones and lots of bruises. Not to mention all the nightmares about what happened at the grave yard.

Harry's head snapped to the door as he heard footsteps approaching. He took a step back as the door opened and Aunt Petunia stood there for a second looking at Harry, "Here is your list of things I need you to do today. I want them all done my three pm sharp." With that she shoved a long list into Harry's hands and walked away with a humph.

Harry looked down at his list, "it's going to be a long day."


Harry was vacuuming the living room when Dudley came rushing in punching him square in the shoulder.
"Could you be any louder with that vacuum!" He yelled impatiently.

"Sure, I'll just tell it to shut up and maybe it'll listen." Harry snapped back sarcastically.

"I will not have you talking to my son like that boy!" Uncle Vernon growled entering the room with Aunt Petunia, who quickly urged the boys to leave to room while she talked to Harry.

"Now," she said after the others had left, "I want you to make a surprise meal for Vernon but I do NOT want you ruining it by any means, so I will be helping you."

Harry nodded in understanding, basically if anything went wrong even if it were not his fault he'd take the blame and be starved for a week.

They had already started cooking when Aunt Petunia spoke again, "you've seemed rather ungrateful these past few days, you should be happy we let you even stay here." She had said that matter of factly.

"I'm getting treated worse than a house elf, I'm sure not gonna be happy about that." Harry snapped immediately regretting his words.

Looking at Aunt Petunia, who had a confused look on her face, Harry decided it was best to keep quiet from then on.

"What's a house elf?" She asked suddenly.

"What? Oh- um.. they're basically slaves." Harry answered nervously.

Any mention of his world was forbidden in the Dursley's house but it seemed Petunia forgot about that rule for a second. Or maybe she was asking to understand her sister more, either way Harry was shocked she didn't hit him.

"Doesn't matter. You should still be grateful anyway." Aunt Petunia said suddenly, again startling Harry.

"I'd do better off living with a dark wizard" Harry fumed under his breath when Petunia turned to do something else in the kitchen.

What Harry didn't notice was Petunia's growing smile. She's had heard what Harry said and she had an idea that sparked hope of being rid of Harry forever. Unfortunately it called for another wizard inside of her house.


A week later Uncle Vernon and Dudley were out on a "father, son" trip as Aunt petunia's called it.

Harry had not as many chores that day and he couldn't help but wonder why. Harry had noticed earlier in the day that Petunia was taking all of her valuable things into her bedroom quickly but quietly. He didn't bother her about it until wonder overcame him.

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