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(3rd person)

Draco's grip on Harrys neck was tight, and he was basically dragging Harry behind him.

He's a wizard. Don't those filthy muggles know who they've been beating? The boy who lived for crying out loud why would they beat him up?

He felt a surge of sympathy towards the bloody git, all the things he'd said to Potter flooded in his brain and he felt guilty now too. His anger though, his anger was higher than any guilt or sympathy he could feel.

"Where are you taking me?" Harry squealed trying to wiggle free with no luck.

"I'm going show you to my father." Draco said in a calm voice. In his head though he was screaming in rage.

Draco Malfoy had always known he'd liked guys, he knew for as long as he could remember. Draco noticed, last school semester, Harrys looks and admitted to himself that he thought Harry was no less than hot.

He accepted their rivalry though so he didn't even try to get closer to the git, instead he made fun of his dead parents. A low blow.

He ignored his tiny crush on Harry Potter for a long time, that is until he saw how badly his muggle family treated him. All his emotions came flooding back and Draco slipped into protective mode.

"What?! No! I can't go see your father while shirtless!" Harry half shouted at Draco. His face filling with embarrassment already.  Harry didn't want bloody Draco, his enemy, seeing his injures much less his Death Eater Father!

"You will, and you are." Draco grunted shoving Harry into a large room, bigger than Draco's bedroom but not as big as the entryway.  There was a decent sized table with six fancy chairs sitting on one side of the room and on the other sized oh the room was a convertible sitting area. It had lots of couches and chairs surrounding a tiny coffee table inferring of a fireplace.

"Farther. Look what the muggles did to Potter." there was a ting of hatred towards the Durselys in his voice and Harry noticed. Why'd he care?

Lucius Malfoy was sitting in front of the fireplace looking at a sheet of paper. When he heard his son he turned around and gasped as son as he saw Harry.

"Merlins tits!" Escaped Lucius's lips before he could stop himself.

Harry crossed his arms around his chest ashamed. He felt like his injuries showed how weak he was. Draco crossed his arms too, he was not ashamed but furious.

"The muggles did this to you Potter?" Lucius asked, back in his unfazed mask already.

"Yes" Harry answered sheepishly.

"Mhm" Lucius turned away and walked to a cabinet not too far away and opened it quietly. He took out a couple potions and a glass jar that had something green in it and walked back to Harry and handed him four potions, "drink these, two are pain relieving potions, one is blood replenishing, and that purple one will knock you into dreamless sleep. Drink that one later."

Harry hesitantly opened one of the pain relieving potions and tased it. He knew what it tasted like because he had so many at school when he got injured. Sure enough it was just a pain relieving potion and Harry gulped it down immediately feeling a weight lifted of his shoulders. He drank the second one and his soreness was gone.

"Draco, when he's knocked out you'll make sure he's in his bed and rub this slugsap on his bruises, it'll make them fade faster." Lucius demanded handing the jar with green stuff in it to Draco.

"Why to I have to do it?" He complained frowning.

"Because I told you to." Lucius smirked, "Come sit at the table now. Both of you."

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