Chapter twenty: potions class

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TW: mention of Salem witch trials, fire, explosion, blood.
(Third person)

Something smelt nice, it smelled like cinnamon and... apples? Harry blinked my eyes open and BOOM! He could swear on Merlin he almost had a heart attack! Why the heck was he cuddling Draco?!
And- oh.
Yeah, he remembers now.

Last night was a lot to think about. Geez. He kissed me. I kissed him.
I kissed bloody Draco freakin Malfoy! I mean yeah, we're basically best friends now but still... did I just friend zone him? Ugh, I annoy myself sometimes.

Draco started waking up so Harry quickly maneuvered his way out of Draco's arms. Gosh this was so embarrassing.

"Morning." Draco grumbled sitting up when he finally woke. His hair was messy and tangled and he looked extremely tired.

"Morning... oh no! We're late for class!" Harry started grabbing his shoes and slipping them on.

"At least brush your hair before you go, if your late, your late. No biggy." Draco yawned.

"I've got to go now! Its potions I'm late for! Professor Snape'll be so mad!"


Harry stopped running to the door when he noticed Draco was not following him but staying behind.
"What are you doing? Your late as well y'know..."

"I'm going to stay behind. I have to write a letter to my Father before i do anything else."

(First person)
Upon entering the potions classroom Draco was no where to be seen. Either way he was late.
Professor Snape muttered something about a detention later that day as I walked by to sit at my table next to Neville. Ron used to be my partner but Neville gladly switched places with him, turns out Neville is a really great friend; I never hung around him too much but now that I see him more often its not hard at all to tell that he's a great person. Although... he sucks at potions.

We were making a potion that was supposed to protect you from fire. Witches back in the late 1600's used to be burned alive along with some muggles who were believed to be witches as well; they would drink this potion to protect themselves and not ever be touched by the flames or explosions.
The potion was called 'mirat'.

Because it was supposed to taste like mint... and rat.

I was grinding fairy wings when I heard a gasp next to me. I turned around to see what happened but the next thing I know my ears are ringing, I've been thrown across the room, hit the wall causing
massive pain in my back and head, and the color white was burned into my eyes.
Neville somehow freakin exploded our potion that was supposed to protect us from explosions!

Once the ringing dialed down a bit I opened my eyes and tried to blink the brightness away. I could hear Professor Snape yelling and the rest of the classes shouts. I hear what they're saying but my brain's not understanding any of it yet.

Someone came and wrapped one of my a arms around their shoulder and helped me stand up, with a closer look I could tell it was a very worried Neville, he said something but at this point the ringing in my ears had gotten louder again. Immense pain shot through my head and I let out a pained scream as I fell to my knees and clutched my head; pulling away from Neville in the process.

But... my hands were wet? I looked down at my hands just to see them completely covered in blood.
My blood.
I could feel my body getting cold as I reached up to touch my injury again. It was on the back of my head and it wouldn't stop bleeding. I could tell my breathing was at a panicking point but everything was all to much Neville managed to quickly drag me halfway to the hospital wont before I promptly passed out.


OMG IM SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT!! Y'all have been waiting FOR EVER!  I'm so sorry! I know what I want to happen in the next chapter so it should be easier to write. :)

Please note that my future chapters will be shorter than usual (similar to this one) until further notice.
Thank you SO MUCH for reading!
Ly! <3

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