Chapter Twenty Two: The hospital wing, starring The Twins

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REMEMBER: Draco said earlier in this book that he was friends with Fred and George.
(3rd person)

Harry woke up to voices. The ringing in his ears had dialed down completely. He tried to blink his eyes open but the afternoon sunlight from the window burned his eyes and he quickly shut them again.
After a couple seconds he finally opened his eyes and looked around.. he felt... so tired.

From the looks of it, he was in the hospital wing. He's been here enough to know what everything looks like.

The curtain around his hospital bed was closed for privacy, which he was great full for.
He eventually became aware enough to understand what the voices in the room were saying.

"-going to wake up soon?" asked an extremely familiar voice.

"I really don't know darling... the hit to his head was really bad." That was definitely madam Pomfrey's voice.

They were speaking in hushed tones.

"We've finally got what we wanted to show him.." said a second voice.
Wait a sec.. those were the Weasley twins voices!

"Since he's not up can we just give him the card at least?" Fred his

Madam Pomfrey sighed, "I suppose so."

Harry could hear footsteps headed his way so he quickly pretended to be asleep. He knew if madam Pomfrey saw that he was awake he wouldn't get his chance to speak to the twins.

He heard the curtain slide open. "I will be in my office boys."

Harry opened one eye smirking his face off.

"Harry!" Fred yelped.

Harry jumped up and covered Freds mouth to quiet him. He turned his head and looked at George, who had the cockiest smile of all time plastered on his face. "Hi'ya Harry"

"Hi guys!" Harry whispered , "I don't want her knowing I'm up yet. She'll just send you all away."

The twins nodded in sync with matching smirks on their faces.

"Well we've got something for you!" The twins said at the same time.
They pulled out a... AN EAR?!

"Calm down Harry!"

Fred smiled, "its the thing we wanted to show you at the house-"

"Its called an extendable ear." George finished.

(First person)
I looked at them like they were crazy, I mean, they were literally holding an EAR.

"You put this part in your ear, Fred said holding up a flesh colored string.
"And the flesh ear part near the sound or conversation your trying to hear."

"Then of course you walk away a considerable distance while holding the string to your ear so you don't get caught." George said, "isn't that right Forge?"

"Yes perfectly correct Gred"

"So you... made these to eavesdrop on people?" I asked.

"Exactly." They said at the same time.

That would be useful.

"We had to make more because Mother dearest confiscate and destroyed ask of our hard work." Grade said with a smile. Like it was normal.

"Yes. ...Harry?"

"Hmm?" I responded in answer.

"How's you're head? You alright?"

My head was in severe pain but i just ignored it. I've been through worse. My back is soap in pain but i don't think madam Pomfrey knew that my back was injured as well, all the blood must have distracted her. There's no need to tell her though, it'll just as more stress to her life. Plus, I've had an injury like this before so i know how to care door it myself.
"I feel great!"

"Yah right.." but of course, the twins could always tell when I'm lying.

Then after a few moments of silence, "Draco was asking about you."

"WHAT!! Uh.. I mean.." I cleared my throat, "what?" He asked people shout me? That's going to look suspicious! Why would my worst enemy be concerned about me!
Wait... "he was concerned?"

Fred put that cocky smile right back in his face in an instant.
"Why yes! He also told us everything."

Also, if you want to know "why isn't Neville in this chapter?" We'll talk about that in the next chapter.
Basically... its been a few days.
Im so sorry floor the long delay and the terrible chapter.
Please forgive me!
(I wrote this whole thing in Gym class)

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