Chapter fourteen: Closeted Activities

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TW: mild cursing/name calling
(Third person)

Harry was walking in one of the more deserted hallways of the castle. He hated all of the attention the daily prophet was giving him, why couldn't they just leave him alone?
He was holding the Marauder's Map in his hand just to make sure no one would follow him to gape or stare. Harry stopped and pointed his wand at the map.
"Mischief Managed."
As he expected, as soon as he turned the corner he was dragged into a small facility closet by the collar.

He sighed as he tried to get a good look at Draco, it was too dark to get a good look at his face because the door shut as soon as he was all the way in, his eyes needed to adjust before he would be able to see Draco clearly. The closet was also a bit small so they were standing rather close to each other. He had asked Harry to meet him there in a letter he sent two days ago, the day the daily prophet was all up in his business. They hadn't been able to see each other since the start of the school year and it was really bugging both of them for... some reason.

"What is it Draco? Why'd you bring me here, we're missing dinner."

"Are you okay? I mean obviously your not but y'know..." he left his question hanging with a shrug and his arms out as if offering a hug.

Harry choked on a sob as several different emotions overwhelmed him. The fact that Draco remembered all Harry needed in times of distress was a hug really squeezed his heart.

Finally, not even a second after Draco offered a hug Harry basically fell into the arms of his friend. All the stress, all the pain, all the judgement he was given constantly was evident as he cried on Draco's shoulder.
Draco held Harry close, he had a feeling in his chest and his throat was dry. He never did like when Harry was upset but why was the pain in his chest throbbing so much?
It was only a tear had dropped that he realized tears were hanging in his eyes as well. Though Draco's tears fell differently, his shoulders weren't shaking like Harry's, and he didn't need to try to be quiet. It was simple really, his tear fell out of his eyes silently as he placed his head in Harrys shoulder.

It was a nice feeling, having someone to hold you while you were crying. But when the person you're holding was also crying it feels as if you have each others backs. As soon as Harry pulled back from the hug he saw Draco try to wipe his tears away quickly so there wouldn't be any evidence he was ever weeping.

"Have you been training?" Draco asked casually ignoring that they literally such cried on each others shoulders, which Harry was thankful for.

"There's nowhere to train. I'd be lucky if I had found someplace already but you already know my luck dried out a long time ago." Harry laughed out.

"I know a place." Draco said smirking.

Harry perked up, "Where?!"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Oh c'mon pleeeeaaase?"

"Alright fine." Draco smiled, "on the seventh floor, in the left corridor is a Room of Requirement with a hidden entrance opposite a tapestry."

"Room of Requirment?"


"...that sounds made up."

"Are you serious right now?" Draco asked with a 'done' look.

Harry smiled and put a hand to his chest, "no, I'm Harry, Sirius is my godfather."

If 'done' had a brother, thats the look Draco gave Harry. "Alright, lets get out of here Draco said as he reached for the door.
Harry stopped him grabbing his shoulders, "not yet."

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