Blankie and Bruises

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(3rd person)

They apparated into what looked like the Malfoys entry room. It was huge and had a marble floor with occasional decorative items and uncomfortable looking leather couches.

Except for the doorway into the house, there was a long wide hallway in each direction. With black doors leading into separate rooms.

"You will be sharing a room with Draco so he can keep an eye on you, I've had the house elves expand the room and put more furniture in it for you." Lucius said looking down at Harry.

"Um.. thank you. Sir."

"Draco, you will escort Potter to your room and fill him in on what we talked about. Get him some better clothes for now I can't look at him like that." Lucius said that last bit with distaste, "you will take him shopping tomorrow, I'll be busy. He finished.

"Yes sir." Draco answered, though he looked like he wanted to argue.

"And for Merlins sake I don't want to hear you two fighting."

"Right, c'mon Potter."

Harry followed Draco down the hallway to the right from the entrance. At the end of the hallway was a staircase leading to another hallway.
Draco entered the second door to the right and Harry followed.

"This is it."Draco said simply.

But "it" wasn't the word in Harry's eyes. His room was AMAZING!

To his right was Dracos side of the room. He had a Huge bed, probably king sized, centered to his back wall. It had a black comforter and white sheets.

There was a desk with a soft looking chair and a small potions station next to it. On one side of Draco's bed was a walk in closet. On the other side was a door leading to what Harry assumed to be a big bathroom.

Harry walked over to his side of the room. His bed was queen sized and shoved neatly into a far corner, the foot of his bed facing the foot of Draco's bed.

He didn't have a closet but a dresser. He had a desk with a wooden chair, and an average sized bathroom on the opposite corner from his bed.

Looking at all of it he couldn't help but smile. This was more than he could've imagined. He was expecting.. well he didn't know what he was expecting but it wasn't this.

Draco had got a house elf and ordered it to tape off two thirds of the room for him. Leaving Harry with one third of the room. Which was still the size of the Durselys living room so Harry didn't complain.

"Father has the house elves get your trunk clothes and stuff from your place but I don't know where it's gone." Draco said looking around Harry's part of the room.

"No, its all here." Harry said taking Hedwig's cage off his trunk, "all I've got is my clothes, school stuff, and Hedwigs cage."

"Wow okay. Just stay in your part of the room." Draco said gesturing to Harry's side.

"Okay." Harry said happily. "Woah nice snake."

Both Harry and Dracos eyes moved to his desk where he kept a big tank with a small snake inside.

(Harry's pov)

"What's its name?" I asked looking at it in awe. It was snow white and had a singular black circle surrounding one if its eyes

"His name's Blankie." Draco said blushing furiously, "I named him when I was five."

Well that explained it. I thought the name was nice though. "Well, hello there Blankie."

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