Chapter 11: Pft! "Resorting" my arse!

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TW: scars, annoying weasel
(First person)
As soon as everyone sat down Dumb-as-a-door started his speech, then the lady this the absurd pink outfit rudely interrupted him. Now, don't get me wrong, I love annoying the headmaster from time to time but this b******* **** thinks she's some royalty member standing up there with that pink rat, my bad, hat on her head, and I do not like know-it-alls; especially ones that have the annoying passion to prove to everyone that they're better than everyone and everything. If it means anything to anyone, thats the vibe I'm getting.

Basically the Ministry of Magic is interfering at Hogwarts and this lady is here to make sure we stay in the Ministry's control.

During this long, boring, speech the first years were standing awkwardly in front of the sorting hat. Finally after what felt like forever the lady stopped opening her big mouth and the sorting began. Not surprisingly, the sorting finished faster than the pink lady's speech.

Everyone looked at their plates expecting food but Umbridge, apparently that was the toads name, had the nerve to start talking again. Honesty, does she want us to starve?!

"...and so the Ministry will be ordering a resorting for all students sorted by the hat before today."

What?! There was an outburst of anger from all tables.
"Oh no, I might be moved!"

"The sorting hat will not be allowed to give you a choice. You will be sorted strictly by the house you belong in!"

Hermione grabbed my arm and I turned to her. "I'll be put in Ravenclaw Harry! The sorting hat said I'd do good in there. Oh no. We'll be separated!"

"It's alright Hermione, we'll still be able to hangout." I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Mhm... oh I know! Why don't we start with the Gryffindor table shall we?" Umbitch said regaining everyone's attention. She was looking directly at me and I could tell she didn't think I belonged in Gryffindor.

I looked at the Slytherin table nervously only to catch Dracos eye. He was wearing the same facade as always but I could see a glint of curiosity.

He was the only one that knew I was supposed to be in Slytherin.

The Gryffindors were sorted quickly with only no moves until...
"Granger, Hermione!"

I reassuringly squeezed her hand as she got up to sit on the stool.
The sorting hat was taken off Hermione's head and there were large tears in her eyes. The Ravenclaw table clapped kindly encouraging her and so did a lot of Gryffindors.

After a couple more people it was my turn, "Potter, Harry!"

I was calm and collected as I stood up and walked to my fate. I had a plan, I just highly doubted it would work. I sat down and the sorting hat was put on my head easily slipping over my eyes.

It was... awfully quiet.

As soon as the hat opened it's mouth I interrupted it, 'I swear to Merlin if you sort me anywhere other than Gryffindor during this ridiculous "re-sorting" I will find you after dinner, rip you to shreds, and feed your dirty remains to my obese cousin.' I was being completely serious and I'm pretty sure the hat knew.

It stoped its thought process and cleared its... throat? "Er, GRYFFINDOR!"

I stood up and smiled at the toad, who looked very angry for some reason. As In was walking back to my house table I glanced at Draco, his jaw would be reaching the floor if it could. He'd probably catch a fly soon...

Then I looked over at Hermione, she seemed happy for me which poked my heart so painfully.

That toad thought she could split me from my frie- my family. She is SO not going to get away with it.

"At least your a real Gryffindor." Ron said as I sat down next to him, "I can't believe Granger would leave us like that. Ugh."

Oh, I know he did not just say that.
"What was that supposed to mean? You think this was Hermiones fault?"I grumbled getting slightly angry.

"She lied to us Harry, she was a Ravenclaw this whole time! ..Remember your house pride 'Arry."

Did he just-
I looked back and forth from Hermione and Ron.

"She's still our friend Ron." I said trying to understand what he was so upset about.

"Not anymore 'Arry. She betrayed us-!"

I slammed my hands in the table standing up, "Shut it Ron! Just Shut up!" I lowered my voice a little so people wouldn't stare, "Gryffindor isn't a holy house Ron! You're not the best 'cause your in Gryffindor! I don't know what happened to you, or why you're acting like this but until you get your act together don't talk bad about Hermione and don't talk to me." I said grinding my teeth so I wouldn't shout.

"Fine then!" Ron shouted as I was walking away, "you're just a freak anyway!"

I froze. No, sorry, the whole hall froze.
I clinched my fist and closed my eyes as I turned back to him.
"What did you call me?" A barley whispered but I'm sure everyone heard.

Instead of answering he decided to push me towards the edge a little more. "Don't think I didn't see you last week. Your glamour was off, I saw your scars, they're disgusting. What, did you cut yourself with that scary knife you carry 'round?"
That was definitely a rhetorical question.

Flashes of the Dursley's started forming in my vision.
I took a deep breath so I wouldn't kill the prick. "Don't call me a freak." I growled

"I'll call you what I want. Freak."

I immediately started thinking of several ways to make Ron feel what I felt. Physically I mean. Different ways of torture y'know?

I snapped my eyes open and smiled. It was no where near genuine, it looked somewhat psychotic, and it never reached my eyes. "Goodnight Ron."
I walked to the end if the table and sat down next to Neville smile still lurking on my face.

I couldn't lash out at him or anything not in front on the whole great hall. But we did share a dorm. I had plenty of time in the future to beat the living sh** out of that weasel.

I did kinda wish I switched houses though.

(Yes I know what the title says, no I'm not changing it)

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