Astronomy tower

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TW: mentions of murder/sewerslide, blood, mild cursing, angst.

Story starts in the present, then goes back in time so you can understand better.
What the actual heck is going on.

(Third person)

What happened?! What went so wrong that he managed to mess up this badly?

Was the rage was blinding? Yes.
Was the anger unimaginable? Yes.
Was Harry a little out of it...? Yes.
But why in the living goblins of Azkaban would he commit homicide?

Everything went downhill just as soon as things started to get good for him. So why now?

It hurts so much, the pain.
The voices.
The whispers and the screams.
Why won't they get out of his head? It's all he can hear now.
Day in and day out, constant pain penetrates is skull.

The voices would always tell him things that he never understood. Like speaking a different language. When he could understand them they told him to do terrible things. He never wanted to act upon what they were telling him.
He didn't mean to do it.

Wait, no, Harry didn't kill Ron.
With that dagger? No, Ron was fine. A simple first year healing spell fixed that.

So many questions but what happened and why does he feel so guilty for something he didn't technically do?
He just- oh no, what did he do?!

Let's review.
(Take that rewind it back)

Harry didn't know what he was doing. He was barely aware of his actions as he healed Rons injury.
He non-verbally used the freezing charm, 'immobulus' on Ron to... immobilize him.

Ron still had all his senses. Sight, hearing, smell, etc. The only thing he was not able to do was move.
At all.
If someone were to be locked under this spell for a long time, it could be considered a mild type of torture since the victim would be in a constant state of panic starting after the first forty three minutes stuck motionless.

Since classes were going on, not many people were in the halls of Hogwarts. Because of that, it was fairly easy to levitate Rons motionless body all the way up to Astronomy Tower.
Ron the whole time was of course was covered by Harry's invisibility blanket.

'Kill him'
'Use rat poison'

Harry shook his head, trying to get rid of the voices to no avail.
As Harry finished climbing the stairs, he hurled Ron's body to the ground in front it him and watched as the invisibility blanket/cloak rolled off him.

Last time he was up there he saw a large chest and- there it is. He dragged Rons body towards the box and shoved him in.

'Slit his-'

"Shut up!" He whisper yelled to no one, then he looked Ron in his wide eyes and whispered, "I'm not gonna kill you."
With that Harry slammed the chest shut and, just for precautions, used more charms to lock and silence it.

Christmas carols followed Harry Potter down the halls of Hogwarts for the rest of the day. He felt like he was in a daze the whole time.

He was late for his next class, but not for the classes that came after.
He had not spoken to Draco at all that day, since it was Tuesday they didn't have any classes together.

He talked to Hermione though through the hallways, in between classes, and during dinner. They'd never stopped being really good friends.

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