Chapter fifteen: Draco and Ron

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(Third person)

'He winked at me! Oh my Merlin, why'd he do that? Why'd I do that? That was a full on make out session! But I don't like men obviously... do I...?'
Draco's thoughts were interrupted as he bumped into someone. It had only been two days since he'd... kissed Harry and all he could think about was that feeling in his chest.
He looked up to see Weasley, 'of all people I had to bump into Weasley.'
"Watch where you're going Termite." Draco basically spat out.

"Never mind you Malfoy, where is Harry?"

"Why do you want to know, from what I've heard you're less than an ex-best friend to him." Draco sneered.

"Ha Ha very funny, just tell me where he is."

"And how would I know? I haven't talked to the fellow at all yet this year."

"Yah, which is strange," Ron narrows his eyes, "every year you're basically drooling to belittle or publicly bully him, but this year you've stayed away, why is that?"

"Mhm," Draco put on an extremely sarcastic thinking face, "maybe, just maybe, it might just be the second week of school. Or maybe I simply don't care for picking on Potter anymore. I have no reason to..." Draco made a face that made him seem he came to an amazing conclusion, "I know! I'll pick on a dead man walking instead! you."

Ron gasped, "did you just threaten me you little..." they both pulled out their wands.

"Whoa! Stop!" Blaise ran down the hallway waving his hands in the air as he found Ron and Draco just in time. "Whats going on? Your both prefects, act like it!"

"He pulled wand out on me first." Ron lied easily.

"Ha! Pathetic! The little weasel is too scared to admit when he's in the wrong, how sad." Draco said glaring at Ron. A crowd had started to gather around the commotion.

"I was just looking for Harry." Rom said putting his hands up in a 'I mean no harm' way.

Lots of protests started coming from the crowd, everyone disliked Ron now, some would even say it to his face. Everyone was determined to defend Harry, even most of the Slytherins thought what Ron had done was utterly disgusting. Saying anything about another person's personal business was not taken lightly in Slytherin, much less shouting it out for the whole school to hear.

"Why would Harry want to see you?" Blaise asked simply, ignoring the murmurs surrounding him.

"I-I just want to talk to him."

"How do you know if he wants to talk to you?" A Hufflepuff from the crowd asked with a glare.

"I- just please okay?"

Everyone turned to see who spoke, it was none other than Harry Potter himself. "I don't want to talk to you Ron. I already told you anything that comes out of your mouth was bull, so why do you insist on trying to speak to me? Do want my ears to bleed as well, is that it?"

"No, I..."

"Shut up Ron. You're just going to give me that same, soppy apology I keep telling you to keep to yourself. I want nothing from you Ron so shove off." With that Harry turned around and walked away with only a small glance in Draco's direction, but long enough for Draco to understand Harry wanted him to follow.

Small shouts of 'Yah!'
'F OFF RON' 'Did you just say..'
'Go away weasle!'
'Shove off!'
Were exclaimed loudly into Draco ear as he pushed past the crowd in order to catch up with Harry.


So I'm gonna change the cover to... (drum roll please)

TA DAAThe art is not mine, it does not belong to me

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The art is not mine, it does not belong to me. I got the picture off Pinterest and think it's really cute.

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