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⚠️TW: ⚠️

(Dracos pov)

I walked over to Harry and swiftly picked him up. 'He's a lot lighter than he should be' I thought to myself. I carried Harry over to his bed and placed him on the covers.

I stepped back and looked at him, his raven black hair was laying messily across forehead covering his scar, his jawline was very sharp and his face was tinged with pink, his glasses had fallen to the floor when he had fallen to the ground and I could now see his whole face clearly. He was a beauty. 'What?! No! What am I thinking!' I corrected myself silently, 'Harry Bloody Potter is an enemy not a beauty'

I was still staring at him when I remembered I had to put the slugsap on his bruises. I groaned as a picked up the jar looking at its contents.
The dark green slimy consistency looked gross and I definitely didn't want to touch it.

I opened to jar to stick my hand in it, it was cold, not as slimy as it looked but still slimy. I placed the goo on one of the bigger bruises trying my best to be gentle so I didn't hurt Harry anymore than he already was. Why'd I care?
I don't know.

Once I finished with Harrys chest and stomach and carefully flipped him over to get the bruises on his back. I reached in the jar to get more slugsap and looked back over at Harry. My eyes landed on a long scar on Harry's back, I hadn't noticed any scars before when I was inspecting his bruises.

My eyes looked around in horror at the rest of Harrys back, he had scars all over. They all were long and went in different directions. It looked as if Harry had been whipped.
The room was dimly lit so I had to look closer to find a pattern of scars on this upper and lower back. My eyes widened when realized I could read them.

I looked at one, 'FREAK'
Those muggle's must've done this to him.

There were so many it made my heart ache, I looked at the others,







I stopped. None of these were true!
Harry meant so much to the Wizarding world! He wasn't worthless!
He's definitely not fat, not a failure, not a monster, not a disgrace! He can be foolish sometimes but EVERYONE is foolish sometimes and that does NOT give ANYONE any right to fuckin CARVE someone!

Why would anyone carve anybody?!


I bloody hate muggles. Now more than ever I'm fuming. A only let a single tear fall across my face as I finish up with Harry. I look at him with sad eyes.
I had been so rude, mean, a prat to him at school, and with me on top of everything that happened in his "home" he must've been hurting real bad. Hogwarts must've been his escape and I probably ruined it every year.

I thought his life was perfect but now...
.. now I know it wasn't. Not even close.

There was a feeling in my chest I couldn't get rid of, a pain. There was a lump in my throat that hurt, I was trying to swallow the feeling down but it wouldn't go away. An burning to my eyes begging for tears but I held back.

I wouldn't say I care for Harry Potter any any sort of way, but I did. I did care. I cared like a.. decent human would care. What those filthy muggles did to him was wicked. Not the good wicked, the bad wicked. It was cruel. Nasty. Barbarous. Brutal.

Seeing part of the pain Harry had gone through made me sick.
'Potter doesn't deserve this' I thought.
I put up a silencing charm on my room and ran to my bed finally letting out my tears. Harry wouldn't wake up because of the dreamless sleep potion Father had given him and my door was locked so there was no chance of anyone catching me weep.

I let it out. I bawled into my pillow. The thought and proof of the torture Harry had been through was enough to make me cry and I probably don't know the half of it.
Why am I crying?
Malfoys don't cry.
I sniffed. I shouldn't be crying over Potter I should be angry at his muggle Family. They should pay for what they did to a wizard. A powerful, gifted, wizard. 'The chosen one.'

I fell asleep angry. Plotting. Thinking of the things Harrys muggle family did to him. Thinking of muggle blood. How dare they hurt a wizard.
How dare they hurt Potter.

I just wanna say while writing this whole depressing chapter I had
"we're all in this together" song from high school musical stuck in my head on repeat the entire time.

K, Hope y'all enjoyed reading about Draco finding out more about Harry and proceeding to deny his feelings.
Its a kinda short chapter but I had to put it in the story somewhere.

Btw this story'll definitely be hateful towards Dumbledork so if ur one of his "loyal to the end" followers this heads up's for you.

Also I want your opinion, should this be Weasley bashing?

Anyway thanks for reading. Idk when the next chapter'll be out. 😗✌️

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