Twenty Nine: Denial

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TW: emotional, mentions of d3ath, sadness, angst(sry)

"...what?" Draco felt like his world was crumbling around him. His surroundings became so loud, and noticeable. The breathing of his father sitting at the desk in front of him. the modified, muggle lights in the ceiling above him. The pouring rain outside, hitting the roof.
And the utter silence as a figurative knife stabbed him in the back.

He felt betrayed.
And he was scared.

But, this was the plan all along.

The Dark Lords plan that no one saw coming.

•—(lets go back)—•
His father had sent him such a mysterious letter. It was vague.

     You are needed here as soon as possible. Bring Potter with you. He will stay with us over Christmas break.

                         -Lucius Malfoy

So he did, he brought Harry home with him. He was thinking about telling his father about.... them.. a little after they got home. That idea was thrown out the window as soon as their conversation started.

Harry was in their room waiting, probably reading a book, while Draco stood in front of his fathers desk. Harry like books, Draco had learned. He had a weird fascination with what certain combinations of ink on paper could do. Same with art, he says it 'tells a story' and for the longest time books and art were his magic. Its what he clung to when at his lowest.

Lucius's' office didn't look any different. It had more papers laying around, and potion books at the ready.

Draco stood there waiting for his father to say something. Lucius seemed to be thinking hard about something but after a while Draco felt like he had to speak up.
"Father, why did you need us here, your letter sounded urgent..." He said hesitantly.

Lucius looked up, "I..." it seemed as if he couldn't find the right words for a second before he sat straight and put his professional Malfoy facade on. "Something has occurred. As you know, Potter is staying here under the promise that Voldemort would never bother Potter as long has Potter and his group do the same. Unfortunately for... everyone, the Dark Lord has discovered the plans of Dumbledores group. The Order of the Phenox. Harry is somehow directly involved."

Fear immediately struck Draco as he realized what this ment.

His father continued,
"...but even before he knew this, the Dark Lord had a plan with Harry. Even before we knew we were going to bring him here. That's why he is staying with us. I was told to give you an order.
'Bring Harry Potter to the Dark Lord.' there... he will be killed" Lucius knew there was more to it when the voldemort had told him to bring harry into his home. He just overlooked it and thought voldemort was finally over killing the child.
How naive of him.

"I know you and Potter have become good friends and I am sorry I allowed that. It was foolish of me and I was not thinking ahead. You will not tell Potter. You will obey the Dark Lord and after Potter is dead you will receive your mark. Do you understand." The last bit was mire of a rhetorical question meaning there was no room for argument.

Draco had no thoughts as he let his emotions shut down. He let his face completely relax as to show no expression.

Finally, after a second, he said, "I understand.

It's not like he can just disobey the Dark Lord.


Harry was casually talking to Blankie when Draco waltzed into the room. He seemed.. off. And angry like.. really angry. It's different this time  though, he wasn't yelling, grumbling, or pouting. He was just silently thinking with an upset expression rested on his face. If Harry was stupid he'd probably say that Draco was upset.

"you seem upset." Harry said.

Draco looked up for the first time since entering " observant." he said before diving immediately back into his thoughts. How is he going to fix this? How's he going to protect Harry?

"Jeez, what's gotten into you?" Harry said playfully.

Draco sighed, "Would you stay quiet for me. thanks."  he snapped sarcastically.

They were both quite for a bit... approximately 6.02 seconds.

Finally, Draco spoke up, "you know I could ask you the same question."


"well, you've been acting different!"Draco said unsure if he should've kept that to himself or not.

"different how?" Harry asked sounding defensive.

"Ugh!" Draco was thinking if so many things at the same time he couldn't filter what he decided to say next, "after your stupid weasel friend decided to off himself over the stupid tower! Ever since then you have been acting like, off? Just-!"

"I'm gonna stop you right there Draco."Harry said sounding annoyed. "One, Ronald hasn't been my friend for a while, don't know how you didn't pick up on that, and two, he technically didn't k!ll himself-"

"Pause" Draco interrupted with serious tone and an even more serious look on his face, "what do you mean."
He can't mean what he just implied...

Harry looked like a child who's been caught with their hand inside a cookie jar.
Big mistake. Alarms in his head are going off. RETREAT.

"I- uh.. I..." he started, desperately trying to think of an excuse. Harry's not the best liar. But the more he thought about what had happened, the harder it was to keep the smile off his face.

"you what." Draco demanded looking straight into Harrys eyes.

The intensity of the situation was too much for Harry, he could do nothing but break down into a fit of giggles.

Draco couldn't understand. Harry was the chosen one. Sure he wasn't perfect and a little broken (a lot broken) but he was supposed to be one of the good guys. This cannot be happening... he wouldn't-

In between breaths of his now hysterical laughter Harry managed to say "I- I killed him! I made him do it!"
Dracos eyes widened with disbelief as he watched his boyfriend laugh hard he was crying.

I am SO sorry everyone. I could spew all these different excuses but I've had time where I just sat on tiktok. For that, im deeply truly sorry.

ik no one wants to read these a/n but i had to apologize for not posting in a couple months. i wanted to make this chapter longer but i realized that you guys probably wanted its sooner rather than longer.

below are the plans i had for this chapter.
smth diff bout draco (harry pov) acting like he did before harry and him were tgther.
harry actin different too.
Starts off with draco in convo with lucy. Talks about voldy. Draco is majorly upset. (try not to make him even more ooc than he already is). Tells his father he'll agree to do it. Lucius was unaware of voldys intentions.

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