Chapter Thirty Two: Lust

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Y'all asked for it.
fuking weirdos.
tw: life crisis
(I'm the one having the crisis)

It was the next day and Harry had many things he wanted to say. He kept lots to himself, gave some to Blankie, but no thoughts were shared with Draco.
Harry was petty and did not like how Draco wasn't talking much to him. Yet, let it be said, Harry still wanted to kiss him.

He wanted to cuddle and be loved.
Draco could since Harrys frustration, but he didn't know what to do about it. He had to escape with Harry somehow, he had to tell Harry what his father had said to him.
Draco looked over to where Harry was sitting on his bed and from across the room a swelling felling filled up in his chest. He could feel his cheeks get hot as his eyes roamed over the other boys body.

Harry didn't notice at first he was stuck in his own works if thoughts.

Draco decided he needed to do something. He didn't want Harry to dislike him in the slightest bit.
He stood up from his mahogany desk and crawled onto Harrys bed and placing himself just over Harry, "Hey."

Harry was looking up at him with his beautiful emerald eyes, "hey." he said quietly.

Draco could help himself, he planted a kiss onto Harrys lips feeling lust rise in his chest when Harry started kissing him back.
they were both in their night cloths, which consisted of soft, thin, grey night pants and a white t-shirt.

"Harry" Draco said when they separated for air, "i'm so fucking sorry, im sorry..."

"Shut up." Harry dismissed, flipping Draco on his back so that he could be on top, "You're keeping something from me, I know that, but I don't want to hear about it right now." He said, pulling Draco's shirt off to reveal his beautiful pale skin. It looked so smooth in the morning light that shone through their bedroom windows.

This time, it was Harry that was sending kisses down the others neck. Harry sucked at a spot that made Draco whine. His chest rose with need and he placed his hands on Harrys hips to keep them in place as he started moving his own.

His plan was wrecked though when Harry moved so that his kisses where traveling lower and lower down his body. Draco could not express how this made him feel as he rocked his hips needing more.

Harry kissed around the spot that was begging for stimulation, just to tease. He glided his thumb on the waistband if Dracos pajama pants, looking up to see Dracos eyes closed shut and his face flushed.

Harry then decided to lick the bottom of Dracos shaft, through the pants, all the way up. Draco shuddered with pleasure, thrusting his hips in Harrys direction.
Harry simply continued to tease around the area to the point where Draco rolled them over again so he was on top. He slid all the way up so he was sitting on Harry's chest and grabbed his wrist and pinned them over his head. "Do you want it or not?" Draco asked flirtatiously as he leaned down to kiss Harry again.

In response, Harry stuck out his tongue with his mouth open staring up at Draco who made quick work to take his trousers off. He then felt like he would explode when he but the tip of his erection into Harrys warm mouth. Harry moaned sending vibrations through draco that made his hips puck forward.

Harry gagged and Draco had to try really had not to let go right then. He started to slowly thrust his hips into the boys mouth, it felt heavenly. He was moaning with delight and picking up the pace, ignoring his boyfriend's gags. He could hear the wetness slap and could feel saliva dripping down his leg.
Then suddenly Draco couldn't hold it in anymore and his hips bucked as he released his fluids into the back if Harrys throat. Harry came at the same time since he had been wanking his own for a while at this point

A few seconds later he pulled out and Harry gasped for air.
"Open your mouth." Draco demanded.
Harry listened, revealing, with a cocky smile, white liquid covering his tongue and some spill out of his mouth.
Draco bent down and licked up the area around Harrys lips and pecked his lips once again before pulling away.
"Now swallow." He said simply.

Harry thought it over for a second before gulping down the saltiness.
"Good boy" Draco smiled, leaning down to kiss Harry again.

Draco laid down next to Harry and decided that he would just tell him his plan tomorrow, he didn't want to ruin this beautiful moment.

I'm disgusted with myself.
you're welcome.

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